Our Babikiye: a Bird's-Eye View

Two Worlds, Intertwined

In Babikiye, there are two known life-sustaining planets: Aravu and Kivria. These two planets are intertwined not only by their peoples' long history together, but on a galactic level. The two galaxies of Aravu and Kivria are slowly but surely colliding, transforming both skies into a shared astronomical spectacle.  

The World of Aravu

  Aravu is the youngest and smallest of the two inhabited planets, yet is home to the oldest known civilization and the most potent magical energy. The Yashelin, a long-lived avianesque species, dominate the landscape of Kotuye Continent. The Fas, meanwhile, are ghostly beings which largely live in the shadows of the Yashelin's civilization.   Neither Yashelin nor Fas has ever ventured beyond the shores of Kotuye, seeing little point in traversing the rough seas or risking the stormy skies that frequently and suddenly hover between them and their nearest continental neighbor. Nevertheless, they are aware that beyond their magitech-dependent home lies a much larger planet... and Kivria, a world some have chosen over their native homeland.  
Geographic Location | Aug 23, 2024

The World of Kivria

Kivria is the largest and oldest of the two inhabited planets, defined by diversity and dynamism. Its curious sophonts are young and their civilizations are ever changing, passed down from generation to generation of mortals. Absent the strong magical energy that powers Aravu, Kivrian development has taken a more scientific approach.   Meddlesome Yashelin explorers have had a profound impact on even Kivria's earliest societies. Their meddling resulted in an early global awareness of distant lands and higher technological advancement than would have otherwise been possible. At the same time, their curiosity has led them to discoveries unfathomable to the comparatively static lives of those from Aravu.  
Geographic Location | May 18, 2024

Who are We?


The Yashelin are an avianoid species native to Aravu. They are the longest lived of Babikiye's sophonts, with a civilization over one million years old. They are most renowned for their magical prowess, near immortality, and peculiar hierarchy.


The Awassi are ovine sophonts native to Kivria. They were the first of Kivria's creatures to attain sophonce. They are highly intelligent and creative, but physically fragile. A recent plague decimated the population, but they are now on the mend.


The Henin are canid sophonts from Kivria. They are one of the hardiest and most proliferant of Kivria's creatures. Their closest ancestors were domesticated by the Awassi as guardian animals, allowing them to progress out of feral sophonce.


Hewas peoples are the hybrid children of the Awassi and Henin. They are scientificially improbable, yet many are born each year. They are known for their infertility, balanced constitution, and off-color cultural upbringing.


The Fas are the sophont byproduct of the residual spiritual energy produced by magitechnology. They live for ~25 years before fading away. Fas society on Aravu is ruthlessly, efficiently organized. Their primary currency is the value of their time.


The Astris are the children of Yashelin and Kivrian sophonts renowned for their mastery of water. Their lifespans vary from up to 2500 to as little as 80 years old. They are subject to prejudice on Aravu, but they command respect on Kivria.

And Why are We Here?


We Were Forged Eons Ago

"Being the first also means making the most mistakes."
— The Ida, to Ezeki
  Known as the Ida to the Yashelin and best known as God to others, the Ida is the manifestation of the universe itself. The Ida is omnipresent, but it is neither omnipotent nor omniscent. It is is highly curious and regularly interferes in the affairs of others, for better and for worse. No one agrees on how to appropriately treat it when it inserts itself into their lives, let alone what it is or how it came to be. The Ida is adamantly silent on the subject, holding that piece of the puzzle close to its chest.  
“Because I may and I wish it to be so, and so it shall be, regardless of your opinion.”
— The Ida and Bee in an argument, unfortunately interrupted before Bee could reply.

Aided by Magic and Science

"Magic is just science we haven't figured out yet."
— Heyir, a scientist
  Magic and science are distinct practices which define how individuals study the world around them and how they use that knowledge. The most significant difference between science and magic is magic's openness to the manipulation of spiritual energy, an alternative source of energy which allows people to perform otherwise impossible feats. Despite all their squabbling, both practices have contributed much to the societies of Aravu and Kivria, most notably the magitech which has built bridges between our worlds.  
"Magicians discovered everything we know, but scientists steal all the credit."
— Uri, a magician

Our Lives We Built Together

"Without us, there is no I. Without I, there is no us."
— Lainist saying associated with Ozim Laila
  Babikiye is built out of the stories and legacies of its past, present, and future inhabitants. While no two cultures are entirely alike, they all share one thing in common: they are created by us and by our ancestors, collaborating together through eras of peace, conflict, and compromise. Evidence of this may be found in something as minute as a popular drink, as grand as a city, and as contemptible as a war.  
"Dust to dust, ashes to ashes: but fear not, for your spirits shall live forever."
Gafir, on behalf of the Ida, to reassure the Kivrians at the termination of the Astris Genocide

But Why? For What Purpose?

The answer is infinite, contradictory and ever changing. The answer comes from all of us, and most importantly: you.

Who are You?

I am...

  Note: Each subscriber group will have access to content tailored to each experience. For example, if you choose the Yashelin group, you will see extra content from their perspective in some articles.


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Mar 15, 2024 17:28 by Rin Garnett

Very well done intro! I was torn between Hewas and Fas. Being scientifically improbable yet somehow existing in significant number, versus having a short life made out of residual spiritual energy. Ultimately went with the dog/sheep hybrids because we love inexplicable existence in this house.

Mar 15, 2024 17:56

Thanks! And welcome to the Hewas! :D The Fas are cool, but ya gotta love Kivria's confusingly literal sheep-dogs.

Mar 21, 2024 22:58

Had to choose Yashelin cause birb people ftw!

Mar 22, 2024 17:05

No matter how much the Yashelin claim otherwise, we all know and they know that they're birbs. :D (On a side note, I love the Aakhir. Birb people ftw!)

Mar 22, 2024 17:13

Ey thank you!

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