Pan Flutes

The pan flute is a folk instrument that once colored the time of common folks from the Flood Wastes prior to its destruction. There was hardly ever an inappropriate time to play, even at work. Workers of all walks of life would trade off who played their pan flute as a way to relax for a short while. The finest of these instruments were passed down from generation to generation, but could be simply made in a pinch.   Many of the Flood Wastes' former residents brought their pan flutes with them when they fled the area, which turned it into an instrument associated with immigrants of the time period. The pan flute was often replaced by other instruments, especially other types of flutes.   Only a few cultures have kept the pan flute all the way into the modern day. The Bes Astris, for example, use the pan flute during special ceremonies, such as weddings and funerals, and their sailors entertain themselves with this instrument (amongst many others) during the nights.  

Opa's Gift

Opa Firalan gifted their pan flute to Bee prior to their death during the Astris Genocide. Bee has hoarded many relics from his now deceased friends and family and created a shrine to their memories in his home. Opa's pan flute symbolizes a brighter past, a darker present, and a hopeful future. Bee can't quite shake the hope that Opa will somehow return and make good on his promise to teach him how to play.   After the Astris Genocide, the Yashelin were ordered to purge the rebellious Yashelin from their records, including any of their former belongings. By continuing to own this flute, Bee is making a political statement that aligns him with the rebellion in opposition of the Ida and, later, the Defenders of Creation.


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