The Shepherd

The title belonging of the religious leader of Lainism and Chaperon of Idelpol Cathedral.


Shepherds must:
  1. Be 35 years old and older;
  2. Be born into the faith;
  3. Be an Olowvye-Henin Hybrid;
  4. Have attained and maintained the rank of Chaperon of any congregation, however large or small, for a minimum of 10 years;
  5. Pass an oral exam prepared by the Idelpol Organist ;
  6. Gain the formal approval of the Lailai.
Only when all of these criteria are met may the Shepherd move into the Idelpol Cathedral and begin ministering.


First, the congregation votes for three potential Shepherds. Then, the Organist chooses one of the three. The Lailai, however, ultimately provides the Shepherd with their legitimacy to the wider religious world via a grand ritual and festival on the grounds of Idelpol Cathedral.


The Shepherd's responsibilities include, but are not limited to:
  1. Lead the Idelpol congregation in daily worship;
  2. Welcome, feed, and house pilgrims and refugees;
  3. Communicate with the Lailai and her associates regarding the needs of the community, such as a pilgrim in need of healing or, perhaps, a more permanent refuge;
  4. Oversee traditional rituals and festivities;
  5. Maintain the Idelpol Cathedral;
  6. Appoint new Chaperons for all Lainist communities across the world, performing the same ritual which the Lailai performed unto the Shepherd;
  7. Endorse potential visitors/tourists to Haven for entry.


  • The Shepherd has the power to steer the entire religion of Lainism into whichever direction they see fit. After all, if a challenging Chaperon passes away, they appoint the Chaperon who replaces the rival.
  • They also have immense political power within the community of Idelpol itself, particularly those who seek Haven or an audience with the Lailai. Without the Shepherd's approval, the Lailai will likely never have heard of you and she certainly wouldn't allow you within the borders of Haven without an endorsement;
  • Free clothes and food provided by the community;
  • Free housing within the Idelpol Cathedral;
  • Access to any Lainist facility on the planet, and the knowledge hidden within them.

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

A Shepherd may only be dismissed under extreme circumstances, including but not limited to:
  1. Rejection of Lainism
  2. Dereliction of Duty
  3. Abuse of Power
Most dismissals begin with the discontent of Chaperons in other powerful cities, though it may come from the local community or the Lailai herself. Traditionally, a Shepherd is first requested to retire. If the Shepherd does not retire, and is forcibly replaced either through democratic or violent means, the Lailai chooses the replacement directly without a congregational vote.
Religious, Political
Form of Address
Chaperon [Last Name]
Alternative Naming
Idelpol Chaperon
Source of Authority
The Lailai
Length of Term
Related Locations
Related Organizations


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Aug 22, 2023 23:13 by Desdemona Rose

Straight forward and easy to read. Great article. I'm also impressed by how many you were able to complete for the challenge.

Aug 22, 2023 23:19

Thank you!

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