Uyam Fruit

Nothing defines traditional Yashelin cuisine more than its plentiful fruit. The most famous fruit of all that they produce on Aravu is perhaps the Uyam Fruit. The Uyam Fruit is a fruit with purple skin and white flesh that has been domesticated for millenia. Even though the fruit itself is low in nutritional value, it is both incredibly filling and deliciously sweet.   Regardless of its low nutritional value, it is considered a beloved and essential part of one's diet for symbolic reasons. In traditional Yashelin cultures, the colors purple and white are considered polar opposites. When the two colors are found together, whether in art or in nature, it symbolizes balance. In the specific case of the Uyam Fruit, the purple skin and white flesh represents a dietary balance.   While delicious on its own, the fermented Uyam Fruit was the Yashelin's first experience with creating and enjoying alcoholic beverages. Modern iterations have turned the Uyam Fruit into a light, sweet wine made in large quantities at a time yet reserved for special occasions due to its unexpected potency.

Origins and Compromise

Long ago, when Heyir and Uri were still small children, Uri broke one of Heyir's inventions. Uri had feared that Heyir would never speak to aer again. Although angry, Heyir also felt guilt that they had also upset Uri when they gave aer the silent treatment. Unable to address it in words without yelling, Heyir instead presented Uri with the then wild version of the fruit.   The twins, and the Ezekoru in general, still often resolve arguments over Uyam Fruit, ideally in wine form.

Cover image: by Engin Akyurt


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