Caldaraan Confederation

The Caldaraan Confederation is a united confederacy between all of the 16 states on the Caldaraan contient. This union of previously warring nation-states seemed impossible under the Judari Empire, but Union's promises appear to be alive in the newely thriving Confederation.


Caldaraan history can be traced to as early as 3715, when SSC automated colony-ships with SecComm Union permits arrived on Holtan, centuries before any people that would at any point call themselves 'Judari,' and utilized the automated prefab structures set up before them to have a functional colony within the span of a century. However, resource shortages, equipment malfuncitons, and simple disagreements in management led to many groups of colonists breaking off from the main colony and spreading as far across walkable land as they could manage. Within 500 years, the entire Caldaraan continent, with people who had by now spent generations considering themselves part of distinct cultures and identites from their original colony, let alone SSC or even Union. These independent states warred, traded, and shifted borders for half a millenia before the Star Fleets of the Judari united their ideologies by force.   The Caldaraan people lived under Judari rule for more than 800 years when Union arrived and heard their pleas for liberation. Now, nearly half a century later, the contient is united once again, but this time under a banner of soverignty and cooperation.
Controlled Territories


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