Karaman Morvaka Bracamonte III

Colonel Karaman Morvaka Bracamonte, III

A servant of the Vi'Saan family for nearly 300 years due to his extensive cybernetics, Colonel Bracamonte III is the longest-serving member of the Imperial Judari military, and the living embodiment of the will of House Vi'Saan. A man of utmost conviction and drive, there is no length the Colonel will not go to in order to complete his objectives, and he is known by friend and foe alike to be as brutal as he is uncompromising.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Colonel Bracamonte was born on Rakhar in 4753u, into the Sku'Kar- a curated, orphaned middle-class within the Imperial societal structure of specially bred and trained soldiers from birth. With no family of his own (to his knowledge), Karaman rose steadily through the ranks, demonstrating his devotion in a series of raids and suicide missions for house Vi'Saan. By the age of 33, he had earned a place in the upper echelons of the House military, and acted as an advisor to both Emperor Kaurus Vi'Saan and his son, Orima. Colonel Bracamonte worked closely with General Sajed Hakar and Admiral Motàto Mótato during several campaigns and he was relocated to Holtan in 4921, and joined General Hakar and the young Prince Vi'Saan in their rebellion against the old Empire, which he felt had grown soft in their stance towards outside influence. Colonel Bracamonte survived the failed coup by happenstance, having been deployed in a low-risk environment by the General at the time of Hakar's demise. Since the rebuilding of his house began, Bracamonte has declined the title of 'General,' insisting that he would only truly be a general of House Vi'Saan when the glory of the house had been restored to be worthy of such a title.
Current Location
Aligned Organization
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