The Daily Doctrine, September 11th 5044

More than 2500 Dead After Olorun Fanatic Bombing

Families across the League of Hakara were in mourning today as a series of bombings on six Hakaran sea vessels off the House Za'Ashvan coast, carried out by fanatical members of the Congregation of OLORUN. In addition to the loss of countless Hakaran soldiers, and thousands of manna in advanced defense equipment, more than 1200 non-combat personnel were killed in the bombings. In a report with international war correspondents, Captain Harlow Mcrill of the Za'Ashvan defense force stated House Za'Ashva would "prevent any and all [non-Olorunites] from making it to their shores alive," a chilling declaration of intent in the wake of these violent attacks. The death toll for both sides continues to climb, as the Olorunite crusade against the League of Hakara rages on.  

Life in the Za'Naadi

With the surrender of Masis Vi'Naad and the annexation of her territories last month, Naadi, Siadan, Lydesh and Coque all have enjoyed peace under the protection of the League of Hakara. But for many, this means extreme changes to everyday life. For those who spent their lives loyal to House Za'Naad (previously House Vi'Naad), consolidating the religious, political and cultural differences with their neighbors is a slow adjustment, but delegates on both sides work tirelessly to bridge this gap quickly.   In spite of this, industrual participation and military volunteering has grown significantly as previously Vi'Naad territories join the League. Za'Naad recruits join Za'Nor and Za'Ren in the fight overseas against the Congregation of Olorun, and many form bonds in the fires of war. In a struggle for survival against the rule of machines, it seems, old rivalries break down, and the bonds between humankind shine through.

Skanian Culture Begins to Heal

After their brutal defeat by the combined forces of the T'waran Weave, the Skanian people have started to rebuild. While the terms that force Skania to remain defensless at their borders remain in play, communities across the nation are treating the armistice as an opportunity to come together and get in touch with their Judari roots. For many, the wake of this defeat has been a call to remember what once made their communities strong, as pro-Judari sentiment swells across the nation.  

Tenepos Continues Executions after Vi'Tara Surrender

Tensions continue to boil in the island chain of Tenepos as any associated with House Vi'Tara, or simply those who refuse to denounce the fallen Judari house, are rounded up for mass executions by the Vi'Qadan government. Many reports indicate these massacres have extended well past military and government personnel, classifying anyone considered inconvenient for the local government's aims as collaborators, most of whom are sentenced to death. In response to these atrocities, whispers of armed resistance movements have increased across the island chain, though no groups or individuals have openly emerged as of yet.  

Hakaran forces Seize Za'Ashvan Capital

In a daring assault following a series of strategic bombing runs and artillery bombardments, forces aligned with house Za'Naad, House Za'Ren, and House Za'Nor captured Ashvana, the capital of House Za'Ashva's territory. Even after preliminary bombardments, viscious fighting lasted for three days before House Za'Ashva was forced into a retreat, with Hakaran forces close behind. Despite Hakaran successes, leadership within House Za'Ashva, including Kalga Za'Ashva, managed to elude capture and are believed to be within House Za'Kana territory. As of this time, the League of Hakara reports no civilian casualties from the battle, though further investigation is underway.


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