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Henrietta Esteem

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Dressed neatly in a white shirt, red jacket and black suspender pants, Henrietta strikes a bold image. She's an elderly woman, her enormous eyes further magnified by round spectacles.

Special abilities

Henrietta's focus was limited yet frighteningly useful. Known as the mother of coin, Henrietta had the ability to simply know the value any individual carried. From you coin purse to your confidental Stor tax haven, Hernietta always knew what you were holding and what you were hiding, at least when it came to coin.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Henrietta was born in Domar, now known as the Dwarven Ruins, and raised by her adoptive Dwarven parents. Most likely, the goblin woman who gave birth to her lived in poverty, and decided it best to leave her child at an orphanage. The orphanage in question "Braxtons home for the sorry bastards" was opened as a joke. The founder was a rather jovial yet tactless philanthropist, Braxton Edzil. But the facility received steady funding from the eccentric and so Henri was raised in a well to do manner. At least they tried their very best. Eventually, Herni was adopted by a kind hearted couple, who ran a local tavern.    Though she cared for her parents, Herni was intrigued by her heritage at the age of 12. She would sneak out her window each night, delving into the underbelly of Domar. She began looking for clues but soon saw the money lain out before her. A wealth of opportunity, just down the end of that one wrong alley.    Focused on its free market more than its morals, Domar welcomed the youngster at an early age. She joined a small local gang and began to run pick pocketing and drug running jobs. She was rarely in danger to begin with, just picking the rich bastards and looking innocent with a strange bulge in her jacket. But eventually, she got handy with a knife. She moved up and slowly became close with the leader of her neighborhood right as the Harvest began.    Whilst her gang was not filled with model citizens, they began to help. Protecting their neighborhood and sourcing food for families by any means necessary. They held out... Some of them. Eventually the gang sorted a boat and during the great flood, they snuck across the sea. Passing through Ket and sheltering in The Trek. As the harvest ended, the group of survivors heard word of prosperity and the freedom of their lost home, over in Tazak. A new settlement, founded in the rubble.    Hernietta had lost her parents, during the flood. All that was left, were a handful of broken families, and the remnants of a gang. So of they set, to find a new life in Tazak.    They started by buying the one building. They'd grown close as a group and one large dwelling was cheaper than several smaller ones. Eventually the gang fell into their old habits. Small stuff at first, working the markets and picking where opportunity revealed itself. And soon the group could afford another building. Then another.   Eventually, The Hajun Karas arose and took control of Tazak.

Intellectual Characteristics

Henrietta does not suffer fools gladly. After 220 years of under the table deals, she's seen it all. With her focus and wits, Henrietta has no trouble navigating any tense negotiation. Unbeknownst to most, she is one of the few Madam Kairi considers an equal and has turned the infamous headmaster down on several occasions; A feat rarely attempted by even the most headstrong leaders.    She is capable of seeing the big picture, but puts extra focus on the struggling of individuals.
Current Location
She, Her
Salt and pepper
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Freckled and green
Aligned Organization

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