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The Hajun Karas

Defining the Hajun Karas is an impossibly subjective task. To some they are the unofficial governing body of Tazak, to others they are a criminal organization so powerful they hold an entire Capital in their grip. Though, regardless of who you ask The Hajun Karas are a powerful organization, with unwavering ideologies and a whip smart leader.

Public Agenda

Due to the city wide aversion to political bodies, The Hajun must take a counter intuitive approach to their public messaging. The Hajun do not claim to be a governing or policing force. Publicly, they claim to be a business, interested only in their own ideologies, profit and self interest. The trick being that Tazak is the Hajun's most valuable asset and thus they are directly invested in the strength of the Capital.   External bodies such as the Axian government have accused the Hajun or illicit and criminal activities; accusations that the Hajun do not refute. In fact, such allegations only strengthen the Hajun's public image, cementing the notion that they are a powerful group with mutually beneficial intentions, not the police.   Whilst rivalling gangs wouldn't agree, the average Tazan strongly believes in the moral compass and might of the Hajun. They are well liked and their visage maintains a healthy balance of fear and respect.


From humble beginnings, order rose.
  The people of Tazak take a particular distaste to the notion of government, and what's more the act of governing. Bureaucracy would not gel with the breakneck pace of the Capital whilst Law would likely disagree with the general predilections of the populous. Thus, from its founding, Tazak has been a Capital governed by anarchy. However, anarchy is not to be conflated with chaos, as the two are merely kin, not the same. For the most part, Tazak ran on an understanding of what was collectively understood as fair. Goods were to be paid for, crime kept between the criminals and, good folk, left alone for the most part. With scare policing forces available, typical recourse for any transgression came from an eye-for-an-eye philosophy. Theft repaid in theft, violence with violence and so on. It was an elegant if not brutish solution. Importantly, crime was understood as a zero sum game; Meaning if the criminals kept their felonies between themselves, intervention was unnecessary.   This worked for some time. Admittedly Tazak was never understood as a bastion of order, but the denizens lived in relative safety. It was understood: if bad things happen to good folk, someone would restore balance as best they could.   The tides began to shift with the rise of formal education. Whilst Iagonian students were taught these principles of Karmic balance by Kairi herself, as Othello and Oberon began to grow, power and honor became less synonymous. Soon Tazak's marked population grew as more and more Guards from the east migrated to the economic Capital. Gangs of the capital caught on quick and realized that power could now be purchased.   And so the collective strength of the city shifted, and the unofficial policemen of the neighborhoods were dwarfed by trained sell-swords. Money became muscle and the gangs grew in strength. Eventually, the war grew hot and gangs no longer stuck to darkened alleyways or moldy basements. Common folk were pulled into the raging conflict and anarchy turned to chaos.   Something needed to change.   Enter Henrietta Esteem. A middle aged goblin who'd migrated from Vas some time ago. She understood the change of climate and struct a deal with Madam Kairi herself. As new students graduated from Iago, Ms Esteem would have her first pick of the litter. In return Hernietta would return Tazak to its previous state of peace, with Kairi herself directly responsible.   Kairi's students rarely left her school without a tremendous respect for their headmistress and so, the plan worked. As professional Guards strode from the gates of Iago, they went straight to Henrietta's office and joined the Hajun Karas.   SOMETHING HERE ABOUT REHABILITATING DRUG USERS AND SO ON INTO BEING ESTEEMED MEMBERS OF HER CLAN.
Founding Date
Post Harvest
Illicit, Gang
Notable Members

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