The most popular and populated city in Kleumizura. Full of hard workers and sand Ulburg enjoys itself a little too much. When the night draws near the party gets started. With a large Dwarf and Gnome population, the party gets real. Drinks are served, games and music roaring, it is a festival every night. When the sun comes up it's back to work. Almost like a ghost town, it is quiet and respectable. Everyone doing their own work and doing it well.
Sechward Tatler, V Baron of keys is the current head in Ulburg.
Guilds and Factions
Guilds: BurningMantle, Ivoryhoods
Factions: Bannergard
Ever since this city rose up it has always been the way it is. Work all day long, party all night.
Not much tourism comes around.
Rough and tumble, lots of stone and clay housing.
Natural Resources
Salt and mineral mines.
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