Arabelle Character in Barovia | World Anvil
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"May all wine turn to water in your mouth, you drunken wretch of a man!" - Arabelle's angry shout towards Bluto
You rescued the Vistana girl known as Arabelle from the icy depths of Lake Zarovich. Sassy and stubborn, she seems to have taken a liking to you and has volunteered to travel with you. Even though Arabelle is still a young child, she has a level of maturity that is not normally seen in children.   After making physical contact with Ireena, Arabelle experienced a vision so powerful that it incapacitated her on the spot, resulting in her screaming and having a violent seizure. After recovering, she explained to you that her vision just consisted of people dying. She lost count after 20 or so deaths but believes that the final number was at the higher end of the hundreds.
"Your future right now consists of death, suffering, or being tempted by evil. You need all the help you can get." - Arabelle

Physical Description

Special abilities

Arabelle is an untrained but talented seer.  

Tarokka Reading:

Arabelle can get a reading on almost anyone or anything that she has seen (not including herself or other Vistani). Arabelle can perform a ritual using the Tarokka cards to get a reading on any target or object she has seen. Methods to prevent scrying or other divination spells do not prevent Arabelle from performing the ritual. The ability can not be dispelled nor blocked by any means as it is not magical in nature. Tarokka readings are vague at best or misleading at worse, as the cards can symbolic or literal when it comes to a reading. It is up to those viewing the reading to determine the meaning, although sometimes it creates more questions than it does answer them.    


Awakened as a result of Bluto nearly drowning her, Arabelle is now reflexively aware of things that imperil her directly, just before they happen. This has the following effects:   If Arabelle is targeted by an Attack, Spell, or would be caught in a harmful effect of any origin, she may use her Reaction to move up to her full speed without provoking opportunity attacks to get away from the danger. In the event of an AoE effect, she knows where it's going to hit, so she knows where to go to get away from it. This movement takes place before the attack, spell, or effect is resolved. This effect works even if Arabelle has no logical way of knowing she's about to be attacked (such as a foe in Stealth).   Arabelle reflexively avoids Traps. She is not aware that she is doing this, but she will never set off a trap's trigger or stand somewhere a trap might go off. So, while she can't point out traps to other people, she won't get caught in one herself. Arabelle cannot be Surprised but is not aware of the impending ambush until it happens.    

Rank 2

Repeated exposure to danger has taught Arabelle how to better recognize the cues her danger sense gives her.   Whenever Arabelle reflexively avoids a trap, she makes an Insight Check against the DC of spotting the trap. On success, she is aware that she dodged a trap and can warn others about it.   A moment prior to an Ambush, Arabelle will recognize the danger and call a warning, giving the party Advantage on their Perception Check to avoid being Surprised.    


Regular practice trying to control her visions, with the added pressure of traveling with you, has given Arabelle the ability to catch glimpses of the day to come.   Arabelle gains the Portent feature of the Divination Wizard (2 dice):
Glimpses of the future begin to press in on Arabelle awareness. When Arabelle finishes a long rest, roll two d20s and record the numbers rolled. Arabelle can replace any attack roll, saving throw, or ability check made by any creature that she can see with one of these foretelling rolls. She must choose to do so before the roll, and she can replace a roll in this way only once per turn. Each foretelling roll can be used only once. When Arabelle finishes a long rest, she will lose any unused foretelling rolls.  

Rank 2

Regular use of her Portent has improved the frequency with which she can focus her visions on the coming day   Arabelle gains another Portent Die  


Through exposure to the hints and tells of deceptive people, Arabelle has started to receive flickers of a vision when trying to figure something out intuitively.   Arabelle now has a +5 bonus to Insight  


Exposure to things obscured by magic has awakened an ability to sense illusions in Arabelle
As an Action, Arabelle can focus her senses to detect any Illusions within 60' of her. If the illusion would become faint from her knowledge of its nature, it does so. Additionally, if Arabelle using this ability while there is a creature hiding in the Etheral plane within 60 feet of her, she will detect their presence. Arabelle is unable to see the creature, nor is she able to determine the creature's identity. Arabelle is able to determine the creature's exact location while it is within range and will only lose the tracking if the creature moves further than 60 feet from Arabelle.  

Rank 2

Practice with her Seer's Sight has increased the power of her Sight   Arabelle has Advantage on all Saving Throws or Investigation Checks to penetrate illusions As an Action, Arabelle can cast See Invisibility on herself, needing no components. She can only do this once, regaining the expended use after finishing a Short Rest

Mental characteristics


Homeschooled from her uncle

Mental Trauma

Visions of death and other horrible things have caused Arabelle to lose her childhood innocence and had to mature because of it. While still a child, you can tell that she has seen more than anyone should just by looking into her eyes.

Personality Characteristics


She has a deep sense of gratitude towards you for saving her life, and after learning how bleak your future looked, she felt a responsibility to help you.


Family Ties

Father: Luvash   Uncle: Arrigal   See Luvash & Arrigal
Neutral good
Year of Birth
928 7 Years old
Current Residence
Long; brunette
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
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