Ireena Character in Barovia | World Anvil
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Ireena Indirovich

"He has bitten me twice. There will not be a third" - Ireena showing you where Strahd attacked her.
  Your travel companion and the subject of Count Strahd's current attraction, Ireena seems to be one of the few kind souls left in Barovia. While not the most skilled fighter, she has fought by your side in every fight the two of you were in despite her terror.   Growing up in the shadow of Castle Ravenloft, Ireena caught the attention of Strahd and has suffered greatly from it. Showing you the bite marks on her neck, she revealed that Strahd had visited her twice to drink her blood. Concerned for her safety, Ismark the lesser, hired you to take his sister away from the village. Putting some distance between Ireena and Strahd will likely cause the Count to become bored and move on.   At the Blue Water Inn, you learned that Ireena is a redhead. Ireena dyes her hair black weekly since most Barovians are superstitious and believe red hair is considered unlucky.   An expert in the politics of Nobility, Ireena sensed the political tension in Vallaki. She decided to remain in the town while you investigate the clues given to you by Madam Eva. She believes that she can work the politics of the town to gather more information and provide you with some favors when you return.   After meeting Ezmerelda, the Hunter, you learned that Strahd is attempting something called the "Bride Ceremony" on Ireena. A way to transform Ireena into a full vampire and take her as Strahd's fourth bride. According to Ezmerelda, to complete the Bride Ceremony, Strahd must bite Ireena three times and on the third time, feed her his blood to transform her. The surest sign to tell if a Bride Ceremony is in progress is that the victim experiences immense pleasure while a vampire is biting them. When Ireena confirmed this to be the case, you could hear the embarrassment and shame in her voice. This was not something she was willing to admit.   You left Ireena at the Wizard of the Wine's in order the search for the Sunblade. However, while you were gone, Strahd came for her and took her to his Castle. While in serious danger, Ezmerelda informed you that Strahd will still need time to manipulate Ireena before he completes the Bride Ceremony.
Chaotic Good
Current Location
Year of Birth
913 22 Years old
Ginger (Dyed black)
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