Lycanthropy Condition in Barovia | World Anvil
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One of the most ancient and fear of all curses. Lycanthropy can cause any average humanoid creature to turn into a hybrid-beast; part animal and part humanoid. There are multiple varieties of Lycanthropes but the most common are werewolves.  
Van Richten's Monster Hunter's Handbook:   Anyone could be a werewolf. Unlike vampires, a werewolf's signs are more difficult to detect, especially if it wishes to remain hidden. All of this changes at the full moon, of course.   During the rest of the year, rooting out werewolves involves some investigative work, usually following a trail of bodies. Werewolves get decidedly nervous around silver, and a werewolf in human form would hesitate to attack even a lone victim if they suspect they have a silvered weapon on them.

Transmission & Vectors

Inherited: If one or both of the parents have Lycanthropy the child will inherit the curse.     Infected: Wounds caused by bites can affect the bloodstream infecting the wounded individual with Lycanthropy.     Maledictive (cursed): Varies, cause be caused by a number of sources as long is it is not inherited or infected. Most commonly a subject could perform a dark ritual to willingly gain the Lycanthropy trait. Another more common version of Maledictive Lycanthropy comes from a curse of a powerful spellcaster, often an incredibly powerful Hag.


During a full moon Infected and some Maledictive Lycanthropes transform into their hybrid form and (depending on the type) go on an uncontrollable rampage.   Inherited Lycanthropes have full control of their transformations as do Maledictive & Infected Lycanthropes if they have willingly embraced the curse.
Lycanthropes also have immunity to nonmagical and nonsilvered weapons.


Infected: There is a short period before the first transformation when an incredibly dangerous form of treatment can be attempted. If the victim consumes the root of a toxic herb known as Nightshade, the poison from the plant can kill off any trace of Lycanthropy in the victim's blood thus curing the patient. This only works if the patient survives the treatment itself. Additionally, using Antitoxins or protection from poison spells can prevent the victim's death, but it halts all progress in treating Lycanthropy.   If the victim has already transformed, then this above treatment will not work. The only two options left would be to seek out a priest who can cast advanced healing magics (namely the Greater Restoration spell) or eliminate the "root" Lycanthrope (See treatment for inherited).   Inherited: There is always a "root" origin to the clan's inheritance of Lycanthropy. This Root Lycanthrope will need to be located and killed, which will affect all Lycanthropes that inherited their abilities from this root. This is a dangerous task and is not recommended unless circumstances demand it. Otherwise, leave it to a professional.   Maledictive: A priest with the ability to cast the Greater Restoration spell.
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