Saint Markovia Character in Barovia | World Anvil
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Saint Markovia

Aurica Markovia

Markovia was a cleric of Morninglord and cared for the wounded at the Abbey in the Village of Krezk. After Count Strahd became a Vampire, Markovia began to organize a resistance full of holy paladins and clerics to defeat Strahd. Catching wind of this, Strahd sent over a dozen vampire spawn to kill these priests. However, Markovia and her forces repelled the attack and destroyed each and every one. Because of all the years of caring for the sick and defending them against the Vampire menace, the fates made Markovia a Saint and the Abbey became Consecrated ground.   Overconfident with her victory St. Markovia took her forces to Castle Ravenloft to take on Strahd himself. What exactly happened in the Castle is unknown. What is known is that St. Markovia and her priests were never seen again, and it was over a week before anyone saw Strahd again.   In honor of her sacrifice, the Abbey was renamed to the Abbey of St. Markovia.

Mental characteristics

Accomplishments & Achievements

Victory over Strahd's forces at the Abbey in Krezk.

Failures & Embarrassments

Defeat by Strahd's hand at Castle Ravenloft


Religious Views

Cleric of the Morninglord
Year of Death
Circumstances of Death
Died in Battle
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