Abbey of St. Markovia Building / Landmark in Barovia | World Anvil
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Abbey of St. Markovia

In the year 254 CE, Saint Markovia and several dozens of holy warriors rose up to rebel against Count Strahd. Due to St. Markovia's actions, the Abbey became Consecrated ground and was renamed to the Abbey of St. Markovia.     In the year 255 CE, Strahd's forces terrified the remaining priests at the Abbey, driving them to insanity. Starved and crazed, the priests murdered and cannibalized one another. These vile acts deconsecrated the ground of the Abbey, removing any power it once held, and the Abbey remained unused and abandoned for centuries.    In the year 707 CE, a man arrived in the Village of Krezk requesting to reopen the Abbey. The man never gave his name and was only referred to as The Abbot. Known to be an exceptional healer, the Abbot has also been known to have the ability to return someone from the dead. The payment for these services are rather extreme.   The Abbey seems to hold over a hundred individuals that the Abbot has experimented on. Using body parts from those he heals to create Flesh Golems, he has replaced those missing body parts with those of animals as a way to improve the lives of those who agree to those experiments. After the procedure, these mongrel folk went insane from the transformation, and for their protection, the Abbot locked them in the Abbey as a way to keep them safe.   After arriving you discover both Ezmerelda, the Hunter and the Symbol of Ravenkind in the abandoned rooms of the Abbey.
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