Symbol of Ravenkind Item in Barovia | World Anvil
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Symbol of Ravenkind

Wondrous Item, Legendary (requires attunement)   This amulet is made entirely of sculpted bone and is carved with etchings of ravens, eyes, and feathers across its surface. Fixed in the center of the bone amulet is a large, unpolished red gemstone.  
The Symbol has the following features:
The Symbol has a maximum of 10 charges. The Symbol regains 1d6+4 charges each dawn.   Mental Barrier:
Anyone who wears the Symbol of Ravenkind gains the benefits of a nondetection spell and is immune to psychic damage. As an action, the wearer can expend 2 charges to project this effect in a 15 ft radius around themselves, protecting any other creature within range. This effect lasts one hour.   Raven's Eye:
As an action, you can expend 3 charges to magically summon 1d4 swarms of ravens to aid you in combat. When combat ends, the summoned ravens burst into feathers and disappear.   Sunlight:
As an action, you can expend 5 charges while presenting the Symbol to make it shed bright light in a 30 ft radius and dim light for an additional 30 ft. The light is sunlight and lasts for 10 min or until you end the effect (no action required).
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