Evie Thorne Character in Barovia | World Anvil
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Evie Thorne

Evie Thorn

Trapped in the nightmare lands of Barovia, you have been told repeatedly that you are doomed and will never leave. Though according to Madam Eva fate seems to disagree. While the tarokka reading from Arabelle looks grim, she implied that fate is not always set in stone.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

Scar of an X cut into your back

Special abilities

Your Fiendish blood as granted natural magical abilities and a mark from Madam Eva gave you access to more.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Orphaned at a young age from a fire that killed your parents, you learned to live on the street. You stole money and food to survive until one day you were caught and taken into custody. Instead of being sent to prison, you were offered a chance to work off your debt to the Durnovo family. The noble family that you stole from when you got caught. However, instead of giving you work, this family beat you black & blue and mutilated your body with an X scarred onto your back. Suffering from your injuries, you were rescued by an agent of the Shadow Hands gang, a criminal organization that kept the various criminal gangs in check. Catching the attention of one of them, they were scouting you out as a possible recruit. However, after learning of your condition, they broke in to rescue you from your torment.   You were initially trained as a thief to work as an agent for the Shadow Hands, but after a botched job, you eliminated a witness with expert precision and efficiency, impressing the leadership of the Shadow Hands. Believing that your talents were being wasted, your training shifted to that of an assassin sent to eliminate targets on the Shadow Hand's behalf.   To test you, you were eventually sent after a traitor to the Shadow Hands. Upon arrival, however, you learned your target was none other than the agent who rescued you from the Durnovo family. Unable to do it, you fled from the Shadow Hands and were on the run for your life.   As a traitor to the Shadow Hands, your existence and knowledge were a risk to the criminal organization. If they couldn't control one girl, why should they control all of the other criminal gangs? To rectify this, several assassins were sent after you to silence you before knowledge of your treason caught the attention of the other gangs. You never really wanted to be an Assassin, but you were forced to use your skills against the assassins that were sent after you.   Eventually, you came across a wandering priest with a constructed servent named Todd. After learning of this priests gambling addiction, you manipulated the priest into betting Todd's services and then, thanks to a careful sleight of hand, beat the priest in the card game. Begrudgingly transferring Todd's service to you, you now had a metal companion to watch your back.   Needless to say, the next group of assassins from the Shadow Hands were taken by surprise as Todd threw one of them through a wall and crushed the skull of another. Since then, the Shadow Hands have not made another attempt on your life, but either way, you decided to keep moving. You were on the way to the city of Waterdeep when you awoke in the strange and deadly land of Barovia.


Former assassin for the criminal organization known as the Shadow Hands


Contacts & Relations

T.O.D.D. has been tied to your service.

Family Ties

None (died in a fire)
Year of Birth
911 24 Years old
Dark Blue
Dark blue with purple highlights
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
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