Wolfsbane Species in Barovia | World Anvil
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When coated on weapons, the plant can cause additional poison damage to the target. Ingestion of the plant can incapacitate someone for a short period, leaving them unconscious. This method is mostly used by patients about to undergo a surgical procedure as the plant can dull the pain. It is impractical to attempt to poison someone has the taste is distinct, and the effects are slow-acting, providing the victim an ample amount of time to counter the effects.   The above information is valid for the average humanoid. Those infected with Lycanthropy is another matter entirely.   Wolfsbane is extremely lethal to those infected with Lycanthropy, in large doses, it could kill a werewolf in a matter of seconds. Coating a weapon can do additional poison damage to Lycanthropes even nonmagical steel weapons but will no longer be effective after just a few strikes. Wolfsbane is at its most effective when used in traps meant to penetrate the skin and to enter the bloodstream.
Scientific Name
Aconitum variegatum
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