BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Session 3: Take my strong hand.

General Summary

As dawn broke over Vallaki, the party roused from their slumber in the Blue Water Inn. To their GREAT surprise, Davnic was exiting Ireena's room instead of his own. Shaking off the confusion (and a hint of jealousy by certain members of the party) felt by this, the party decided to head downstairs for breakfast. Upon arriving downstairs, the party discovered their fellow member, Saylor Twift, seated at the bar. Saylor, who had stayed behind in Barovia for a concert, couldn't recall how she had ended up in Vallaki. Complaining of feeling unwell, she announced her intention to rest for the remainder of the day. Concerned, Juni decided to inspect Saylor's neck for any signs of fresh bite marks. Finding none, Saylor Twift made her way to her room. During this interaction, the party noticed a well-dressed elf in the midst of collecting a bundle of apples and wrapped meat from Danika, the barmaid. The party learned that his name was Rictavio and It seemed he'd been following this routine for the past two weeks during his stay at the inn. Danika also mentioned that Rictavio had struck up a friendship with Blinsky, the neighbouring toy maker.   Intrigued, Juni kept an eye on Rictavio as he headed toward the town centre. The party decided to follow suit, leaving their breakfast behind. Unfortunately, they lost track of the elf, only to stumble upon a troubling scene in the town square—a family in the stocks, donning plaster donkey masks, enduring both hunger and public mockery.   Still not fully comprehending the gravity of the situation, Finnie attempted to inject a bit of humour by giving one of the stockades a playful "wet willy." The brief laughter masked the underlying tension and the overwhelming unsettling atmosphere that seemed to encapsulate the whole of Barovia.   The Toymaker   The party opted to pay a visit to the eccentric toymaker, Blinsky, hoping to glean more information about Rictavio. Stepping into the shop, they were warmly greeted by the exuberant Blinsky and his tutu-clad monkey, Piccolo. However, the jovial atmosphere took a dark turn as the party noticed a display of disconcerting and morbid toys for sale.   Among them were a ventriloquist doll depicting Strahd himself, a set of nesting dolls that progressively aged to reveal a withered corpse in the smallest one, a mobile of bats with wings that actually flapped, and most disturbingly, a doll bearing a striking resemblance to Ireena. Blinsky, noticing the party's uneasy reaction to his toys, felt compelled to explain. He shared that his peculiar creations were actually an attempt to inject a touch of levity into the morbid and unsettling atmosphere that permeated Barovia. When questioning Blinsky about the Ireena doll, the toymaker grew visibly agitated and fearful.   Blinsky explained that the head of the Burgomaster’s guards, Izek, had commissioned the Ireena doll. Further inquiries revealed a pattern of commissioned dolls by Izek, none of which were ever paid for. Blinsky, motivated by fear of the violent and thuggish commander, reluctantly complied with these requests. The party later learnt that Izek was due to collect this doll the day of the festival. When the party asked about Rictavio, Blinsky shared that he arrived in Vallaki from a distant place and even entrusted his pet monkey, Piccolo, to Blinsky.   Concerned for Ireena's safety, Davnic hurried off to warn her and urged her to remain in her room. Meanwhile, Vimak and Ankha decided to purchase the unsettling nesting dolls and the puppet resembling Strahd.   The Mansion   With Rictavio momentarily fading from their immediate concerns, the party shifted their focus to the pressing matter at hand. They decided to pay a visit to the Baron under the guise of seeking employment, knowing that Izek, the figure they sought information on, was often in close proximity to the Baron. Following Blinsky's directions, the party arrived at the imposing Burgomaster's mansion.   Greeted by a servant, they were ushered into an opposing room, left to wait for what felt like an intentionally extended period, a tactic seemingly designed to unnerve. Eventually, the door creaked open, revealing Baron Vagus Volcovich, his wife Lydia Petrova, and two imposing Mastiffs by his side. Seizing the opportunity, the party inquired about available work, presenting their willingness to assist with preparations for the upcoming 'Festival of the Blazing Sun.' As the conversation unfolded, Izek made his entrance into the room. The party discreetly observed him, noting his formidable presence and, most conspicuously, a deformed arm. The Baron assigned them the task of gathering decorations from Blinsky’s shop and hanging posters in the town centre, a mission the party willingly accepted.   Before they left, the Baron extended an invitation to return to the mansion after completing the assigned tasks to attend one of their renowned parties.   Rictavio   The party set about completing their task and encountered Rictavio in the town centre. On speaking to Rictavio, the party learned that he had been led through the mists to Barovia, like themselves, but under the apparent guise of seeking employment promised by the Vistani. However, upon arrival, he claimed to have been betrayed and abandoned, left for slaughter by the very people who lured him here. This revelation puzzled the party, considering their mostly positive interactions with the Vistani.   During this discussion, Rictavio revealed that there were rumours of mysterious purple lights emanating from the attic of the Baron’s home at night. Lady Fiona Watcher, from the long line of Watchers, was pointed out as someone harbouring discontent towards the Baron's rule and was quoted as stating “I would rather serve the Devil than serve the Baron.” Rictavio also shed light on Izek's unusual arm, deeming it fiendish" and possessing the ability to conjure fire.   When the conversation turned to Strahd, it was deemed wiser to continue it indoors, prompting the decision to meet Rictavio later at the Blue Water Inn. Seizing the opportunity, the party subtly probed Rictavio about the purpose of the apples and meat he collected daily. Although he responded with a non-committal answer, it became evident that he was concealing the truth.   Lady Fiona Watcher   Following Rictavio’s guidance, the party headed to the Watcher House. Upon arriving, the party explained they were seeking information surrounding the Baron, with the intention of deciding whether to overthrow him as the town’s ruler. Upon hearing this, Lady Watcher invited the party indoors to continue the conversation. During the conversation it was clear that Lady Watcher wanted the Burgomaster position for herself and was non-committal when spoken to about Strahd, raising further suspicions that she may serve him. It was confirmed by the landlord of the Blue Water Inn later that the Watcher family had been known to serve Strahd in the past. Lady Watcher gave the party some information surrounding Izek and his routine which proved useful. Most disturbingly it was revealed that the stocks were used as punishment for those who were not deemed “happy enough.”   Before the party   As the group returned to the tavern to discuss their discoveries away from Strahd's prying eyes, they considered the idea of speaking to the family confined in the stocks. Ankha, putting on the performance of her life, created a noisy spectacle seemingly aimed at humiliating the family. This clever ruse provided a distraction, allowing Juni to approach the stocks and engage in a conversation without drawing suspicion from the guards. It was discovered that the family had been placed in the stocks for “malicious unhappiness” and were to remain as long as the Baron saw fit. The children, physically being held up by the stocks, stirred compassion within Ankha and Juni. Moved by the family’s plight and the injustice taking place, they vowed to ensure this did not happen to anyone else and that they would return to help the family. The family also revealed that the priest was the only person they would consider as a leader within Vallaki.   The party, once arriving in Ireena’s room within the tavern, convened a brainstorming session. The general consensus was that Lady Watcher was not to be trusted and the priest was unlikely to neglect his holy duties to rule the town, but the latter option would be investigated further. Davnic proposed an alternative, suggesting that Ireena take charge of the town given her lineage of Burgomasters was likely to be a fair and just ruler. Ireena would also have the benefit of a full company of guards and would be able to welcome the Vistani into Vallaki as another layer of protection against Strahd. Ireena was hesitant but ultimately agreed that this could be a good way for her to protect herself and the town against Strahd. The party suggested that Ireena not leave the mansion and consider changing her name and appearance slightly as another form of protection from Strahd. Concerned with Lady Watcher, Finnie saw an opportunity to use the Baron to address this issue. A suggestion was made to lay blame for Izek's impending demise on Lady Watcher, hoping that the Baron's response would remove her from the political landscape. The absolute agreement from this brainstorming session was that Izek needed to be handled discreetly and efficiently.   The party were interrupted by a knock on the door by Rictavio who they then met downstairs. Upon talking to Rictavio, the party let slip that their resident bard Saylor Twift had been bitten and was resting in her room due to feeling unwell (clearly trusting Rictavio as he had bought them a drink). This clearly garnered Rictavio’s interest and it was clear he was trying to gather as much information about Strahd as possible. The party were slightly uneased by this and debated leaving Saylor at The Blue Water Inn alone but ultimately decided that Izek was a much bigger threat currently.   The party   The party made their way back to the Baron’s mansion and handed over the gathered decorations prior to joining the party. It was immediately apparent that both the Baron and Izek were absent. Baroness Lydia showed an obvious disdain for her husband which corresponded with what the party had been told about Lydia prior. The baroness, intoxicated, told the party that her husband was in his rooms, Izek had the day off and the attic was where her son, Viktor, spent his time. The party resolved to access both Izek’s room and the attic in order to investigate.   Finnie, under the illusion of needing the restroom, attempted to identify Izek’s room. During this, the usually nimble and stealthy Finne had an uncharacteristic moment of clumsiness and bumped into not only the first door, but the second too. (Blame the wine.) The Baron, disturbed by the noise, confronted Finnie, who claimed to have mistaken the doors. The Baron, seemingly accepting the explanation, issued a threat about potential consequences if Finnie were to disturb him again. Finnie went back to the original door and successfully picked the lock before heading downstairs. Finnie signalled to Vimak that the door was unlocked which prompted him to head upstairs and investigate the room.   Upon entering the room, Vimak’s sight was bombarded by Ireena dolls, which were everywhere within the room. Vimak searched Izek’s chest and had an internal debate on whether he should take a plain old boring shortsword but swore he could hear the voices of his party members shouting things such as “No!” and “don’t be an idiot” and ultimately decided to leave the shortsword where it was. After more investigation Vimak noted a journal. Quickly flicking through the journal he noted that it seemed to be recording dreams, all of which with descriptions seeming to describe how Ireena appeared within these dreams. Vimak covertly shared the findings with the party, leading to a consensus that Izek needed immediate attention. However, with uncertainty about future access to the mansion, it was decided to check the attic first. Davnic volunteered to scout, transforming into a rat and exploring the attic.   Peeking through the ajar door, he saw a teenage boy, Viktor, in the attic surrounded by skeletal cats and three children facing the wall. Believing them to be real when this information was recounted by Davnic, the party rushed upstairs to find the room empty, and the 'children' turned out to be mannequins. Upon entering Viktor appeared behind the party and through a series of diffusing conversations, particularly by Davnic, the boy explained that he was trying to learn how to leave Barovia as he hated his Father but his teleportation spell was not working as it was incomplete. The party promised to help him, and in gratitude, Viktor handed over a spellbook. Feeling abashed that they were willing to start a fight over some mannequins, the party decided to leave the party in an attempt to find Izek at the only other tavern they knew, The Naughty Nymph.   The Fight   Upon arriving at the Naughty Nymph it was decided that Finnie and Vimak would enter the tavern in order not to raise Izek’s suspicions. Once entered it was clear that this establishment offered many services not typical of a tavern but rather a brothel. Izek was spotted sitting in a private booth at the back of the room and upon speaking to the “barmaid” it was discovered that the staff did not think highly of Izek and Finnie and Vimak were told that he usually left the tavern around midnight. Joining the rest of the party it was decided the group would wait for Izek in a dark alley and ambush him. The party successfully hid and Juni played drunk (due to her inability to be quiet) and waited for Izek.   Once Izek arrived, the party rushed him and managed to land some attacks prior to Izek defending himself. The battle commenced but the party were able to easily overwhelm Izek with sheer force and numbers, (Juni contributing absolutely nothing mind you) leading to Vimak decapitating him in his attempt to flee. After the battle, the party decided to make a political statement by freeing the family in the stocks and replacing them with Izek’s body with his head sat atop the stocks. The message “All is well” was carved into the stocks as a play on the Baron’s consistent message “All will be well.” The family were sent home with rations and told to stay indoors until told it was safe and to say nothing of what they saw. The party then attempted to leave the scene as quickly and quietly as possible, although being aware that the sounds of battle had definitely made some noise.   Making their way back to the tavern, they were met with the sounds of a hair-raising scream seemingly stemming from the direction of The Blue Water Inn.
Curse of Strahd
Juniper (Juni) Cobblepot
Halfling (Acolyte)
Cleric 5
45 / 45 HP
Vimak "Twice Orphaned"
Goliath (Soldier)
Barbarian 4
51 / 51 HP
Tieflin (Soldier)
Paladin 5
35 / 35 HP
Player Journals
The Journal Entry’s title by Davnic
Report Date
09 Jan 2024


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