Vallaki Encampment Settlement in Barovia | World Anvil
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Vallaki Encampment

One of the permanent Vistani encampments located near Vallaki. It is ruled by Luvash. Because the people of Vallaki believe that all Vistani are servants of the Devil none may enter the city walls. However the same does not go for the exotic goods the vistani bring from beyond the Mists. Most of the trade is done in front of the walls where some vistani even have permanent shops.  

All Outcasts Welcome

After The Outsiders' unpleasant run-in with the Vallaki city guards two of their party made their way to this encampment. They sought this place after a brief meeting with Arrigal, a traveling vistani merchant and brother to Luvash, had informed them of his home. When Stix and Eon arrived they learned that the Wandering People had a crisis of their own. Nevertheless they welcomed the strangers and offered to help them sneak into the overly suspicious town.  

The Missing Vistana

The fighter and priest learned of the Arrigal's anguish. His daughter Arrabelle had been missing for more than a day. The two Outsiders offered to help the distraught vistani and promised to bring back the lost girl. After a reunion with their party and a day or two of searching in and around Vallaki, Arrabbelle was delivered safely back to her father. This earned them the permanent friendship of the Vistani.
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