Once upon a time, Barovia was a prosperous country helmed by a warrior king. Now-a-days, its borders are obscured by deadly mists through which only Vistani and those with the express permission of the frightful Count Strahd von Zarovich may safely traverse. Common knowledge dictates that any who dares attempt to leave does so at his or her own peril. It is believed that Barovia's current situation is a punishment visited upon them by the gods for the sins of their fathers.
The land is nestled in a long valley within the Balinok Mountains. The two highest summits, Baratak and Ghakis, rise steeply to over ten thousand feet. The mountain range is capped with snow and ice through the long winters and into late spring. In the summer, snows slip from their granite crags and fuel the rivers, but the lofty peaks remain snow-capped year-round. Most of the valley is forested with the exceptions of Ghakis and Baratak towering over the tree line. The Old Svalich road bisects the valley from East to West, winding its way around frequent outcroppings and sheer cliffs and connects the settlements of Shadowgrange, Vallaki, and Krezk.
The land is nestled in a long valley within the Balinok Mountains. The two highest summits, Baratak and Ghakis, rise steeply to over ten thousand feet. The mountain range is capped with snow and ice through the long winters and into late spring. In the summer, snows slip from their granite crags and fuel the rivers, but the lofty peaks remain snow-capped year-round. Most of the valley is forested with the exceptions of Ghakis and Baratak towering over the tree line. The Old Svalich road bisects the valley from East to West, winding its way around frequent outcroppings and sheer cliffs and connects the settlements of Shadowgrange, Vallaki, and Krezk.
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