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Regent Tower

This is the main city and focus of The Regent Isles .


Dwarf/Gnome: 13%
Elf: 6%
Halfling: 8 %
Human: 40 %
Lizardfolk/Kobold/Dragonborn: 5%
Merfolk/Triton, etc.: 5%
Half-breeds: 4 %

Orc: 4%
Goblinoids: 10 %
Everything else: 5%


The Regency is a true, human, monarchy that has existed as a noble family on the Regents since its inception some 800 years ago. However, about 350 years ago, the City called for new leadership when the former King took his seat. Being a dwarf, and having ruled so long because of his own dwarven longevity, a council was created. Each member is supposed to come from the main cities on the Regent Isles, but that is something that has not always been the case. The Regency makes moves, sometimes moves that create families and/or organizations that are willing to do the dirty work for them.


The Regent Employs over 1000 City Guard. There is an additional 2000 that could be called upon. He has Twenty Vessels at his disposal, and countless other river and sea vessels docked throughout the Regent City and the surrounding villages. 
Loyalty and defense of the Regency is taken very seriously by the citizens. About 20 years ago, when a few demons made it to the shows of the Regent Isles, more than 5000 people marched to greet the 1400 or so demonic horde that had landed from Claddenrow . 

However, some could say the Lost Souls of the Regency would rise, and there could be an army of nearly 10000 strong behind their Regent. 

However, the Gates and Walls of the city are expert made, from both their own minds, and dwarven, gnomish, and goblin minds from Claddenrow and beyond. Their gates come from and were delivered centuries ago by dragons from the ancient Riders.

Industry & Trade

The Rivers, Mountains and Forests are greatly respected by the people of this land, for they provide so much. They are self sufficient on the whole with what can be found here on this fertile land. However, in the last 65 years or so, the population broke over 15000, so the Regency has arranged with many other factions for supplies, food, and gear (including magical gains). Food and foriegn items are in the highest demand, including complex grains and sugars.


The waterways, archways, watermills, waterfalls, plumbing and fountains are a sight not to be seen anywhere else are Barur. Most are within the walls of the Regent Tower itself, but some are more ancient than that, water structures from times of giants, dragons, elves, and even something more ancient--rumors of snakes and other reptilian creatures that have obviously been carved in memorial. 

Nevertheless, the sewer systems are something other cities will not ever have, not without great upheaval of stone and dirt. 
There is only one main road that leads to the harbor towns to the south, but there are many river boats and systems everyone uses to engage in business, leisure, etc. 

However, the main city is self sufficient, with fishing, hunting, trade, and most other qualities needed to keep the city alive, yet the council especially has always made sure imports from across the other kingdoms still do reach the citizenry of the Regent Tower.


Regent Tower, proper: the home of the Regent and family. A city within a city if you are lucky enough to be within the Regent's graces.

The Rock: This is where most people live that work and reside here in Regent Tower. 90% of the Humans live here or within the Regent's Tower. There are a few taverns, and some general good stores, but not much else in terms of trade. There are some beautiful parks and verandas about the many houses of he people here to enjoy their own city, with the looming towers and mounts.

The Gate: The access to the city, well more than three quarters of it, is controlled here. This is where trade is asked to be done, and indeed The Rock district, or any other district outside of the small city that is the Regent's Tower, come to The Gate for the daily gains and trade.

The Way: This is the access that the Regent uses and allows for his Regent City access from the larger city proper. There are gorgeous bridges and waterways, and many restaurants and high end shopping here, but it is also where the Regents keeps the Isles' main navy.

Drein and Fauf: Drein is where many dwarves and gnomes have settled, and indeed the main quarries for the Regent City are located here. Faur, the Mount east of the City, is a local spot for worshippers of the earth to meet, and there are many ancient dwarven temples and ruins here that date back to before the times of the Regent's Rule.

Kreln: This is the tallest mount, north and then east of the main Regent Tower. The base of this mount connects to the tower specifically, and the trails around the mount, the caves and other nooks and crannies, they present many living quarters for the military of the city and other close confidants of the regent, as well as many old tunnels and mines that were used to help create the Regent's Castle.

Slrein and the Eyes Lost, Souls Found: The White walls are maintained by a few families, and the renowned depth and security of these walls--even the great human Emperor far to the north asked for this skilled craftsman to come and help rennovate his new palace. Nevertheless, one family rules over all else, and the connections of the Somer family spread throughout all districts, towns, and even other townships north into the Trollmoors and Skaldyr lands. It is quite obvious even in today's world, that the Drein also seems to be under the proper orders of the Slrein and the Somer family that leads it. Even the Regent, The Gate, and The Way know of the Somer family name and both revere and fear it. Only The Rock seems to be sheltered or willfully ignorant of such stories.


Regent Tower, proper: 
Effervesance: Premium Alchey and Herbology to assist he Regent and his close family and friends. Three stories, almost more of a antique shop than anything else, but many, many others. 

The Gleam and the Shower: Premium Blacksmith and Armory for the Regent. They were trained by the dwarves to the east. 

Athena's Wake: Premium Adventuring, General Goods, and Hunting and Leatherworking: Run by a family as old as this city. This is also a well established Tavern and Inn, specializing in serving troll steaks. 

The Regent's Coin: Banking (Black Market Vendor) Premium. 

The Calm Unicorn: Stables and Land-Based Transportation Services across the Regent Isles. 

The Rock
Gen and Gerry's: Alchemy, Bobbles and Jewels: Urban Alchemist couple, gnomes, but trained in Glintgots. 

Ealman's Arms: Urban smith, armory, hunting supplies and leatherworking. Half Elf. 

Old Wintry's Learning: Ancient dwarf, but he has a cool basement that he lets people trade and check out bookes and even odd magic items. 

Pelor's: Basic temple and faith supplies. Six monks run the order, but there is a powerful cleric who leads it. They say she lives on the top of Kreln. 

O'ethel Odette: Premium Tailor. Elven crafters from afar. 

The Gate

Small ventures, on the whole: a few dozen small ventures that are not listed here. 
Stiehl's Supplies (outside the gate) : Adventuring, general store, (Black Market Vendor)
Thwrentala and Hers (inside the gate): Dwarven Establishment, Matriarch line of Sorcerers: Urban Alchemy, but also a small general store, jeweler, library, clothing vendor, (Basic Black Market Vendor). 

Frwonk (outside the gate): Scion Smithy, hunter supplies, leatherworker, and Temple to Deities of nature.

Ula's Thunder: Human Warrior Family and Adventures: Urban Adventuring supplies and dUrban Land Vehicles, Basic Water Vehicles (River)

Cron and Sons: Half-Orc; Basic Land Vehicles. Premium Tavern and Inn. 

Khonhoeni's: General Store, Tavern and Inn. 

Fallen Tears: Tavern and Inn. Urban. Travel through the City. 

The Way: 
Pristine Edge: Premium Adventuring Supplies, Blacksmith and Armory, Leatherworker (Black Market Dealer). 

Hearts and Rolls: Premium Tavern, Herbalist, General Store, Stables/Animal Vendor, and Vehicles, both land and sea. 

Dozens of other small venues. 

Drein and Faur: Forges, Temples, Views, Mines

The West, Forgotten: Dwarven Forge, very large establishment. Premium blacksmith/armory, vehicles. 

The Peak in View: Premium Faith Supplies, as there are dozen or so shrines up here to various deities. 
There are a dozen or so other small shops here for various purposes. 

Slrein and the Eyes Lost, Souls Found: This district trains many of the guards, army, and mililia members that make up the Regents fist and power throughout the grey coasts. There are strict schools and teachers, masters to adhere to, and only the best of the best become one of the guard.

Guilds and Factions

The Regency: The Regent, his family, loyal friends, personal guards, and advisors; predominately human.

The Regency's Guard: The Guard of the Regent Tower, composed of all races and creeds. There are about 200.

The Regent Army: Mixed race army of warriors, sailors, and barbarians. There are about 1000 on duty throughout the city.

The Sunstroked Navy: There are Twenty Boats part of the Fleet. They are a commanding presence in The Way of the city.

The Armsters and Craftsmen: A group of Three dwarves and a handful of humans came together about a hundred years ago, and they organized the trade and taxes upon it for the Regency. This allowed the Regent to have their own city within, relying on factions to help fill in the gaps of the City/District's needs.

The Gold and the Black: Bankers and Tax Collectors, Businessmen and Regent Knights and Nobles

Tears: These are the Elite Guards of the Wall and Mounts Three of the Regency

Lost Souls: These are the Trained Guards and Police of the City, mostly in The Gate, and with the Somer Faction

Somer Walls and Guards: This is the Noble Family and military faction that runs and protects the walls, towers, mounts, and the Regent City.

Points of interest

The three Mounts, Especially Kreln.

The Waterways, Arches, Rivers, etc. A wonder of Stone, Wood, Clay and Pottery, etc.

The Schools of Martial and Magic.


Mountains encirlce and construct the humanoid made structures. 
Water from rivers, lakes, and ponds abound, and they provide easy access to the oceans.


Warm, Rainy, Cold from the shade of the mountains. 
Cold, wet, sometimes snow winters.

Natural Resources

The forests provide much, but they also have mountains and plains for herding creatures. The mountains each of quarries, even with Drein providing most of it. The rivers are supple and fresh. 
It is a sanctuary most lands would dream of, but few actually find.
Founding Date
101 Years Pre Treaty
Alternative Name(s)
The Regent
Large city
Inhabitant Demonym
A/The Reegum
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization


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