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Revenge of Kelemvor and the Consequences of His Death

General Summary

This began with Aikanaro traveling the Astral Planes, gathering his horde, finding his generals, and attacking the fugue plane with full force. IF not for those generals, he would have failed, but it was also Zhulong's use of wish, a magic beyond space and time, to bring an end to Kelemvor's avatar in the fugue plane, to have nothing left to cling to, and no allied Deities there to save him, he fell, into the Void. But he may return, for even Had did. 
Then Aikanaro brewed, founded an army, a control of souls, and access like a flood to the material plane, and a domain of necromancy itself. The Gods reeled, and gathered, and the sifted through the worshippers, finding the strongest of mind and body, of will, and sending them to realign the afterlife, to find a peace. Champions indeed: Cypress the Emberheart, Ezra Cloudmount, Fentoris Hanali, Father Dendrick O'Cain Malloch, Kri'krul, Sir Reginal Featherwin, Sophie Rumblefeather... and the deities were pleased. Yet, Aikanaro broke the fugue plane into many steps, many levels, slowing the progress to him, as he ate and gathred essence of the death of the planes, as he grew in power, now alive as a new god. These champions of Kelemvor's revenge also suffered a betral at the hands of Reginald, working for Shar, making subvertive plans to assist Aikanaro for the dark goddesses own gains. However, even with his help, Aikanaro's alive self and horde protectorate fell. However, there were still two other vestiges of his power, two other generals, and with their connections still vitally intact to the Fugue, Aikanaro's soul lingered, and his ghost came to haunt the Fugue. With this Father Dendrick and Sophie elect to stay behind, to continue to lead the onslaught against the Fugue and its undead horde, its lost souls in the after life, and with the help of their gods, Tyr, Kord, and Bahumat, they find a purchase in the chaos. More paladins come to them, from death or pilgrimmage, and even Bahumat summons his own draconic brethren to the Fugue; let the breath be as relentless as the hordes, like the ancestors of old. 

Time passes, and other gods make plans, move strings, and find another Demon Prince, Gilkrin, siphoning power of three deities, Savras the Fated, Waukeen the Wise Trade, and Mask, the Hidden Thief. They send other champions, but also find a spear to lead them to their own cause. Gilkrin's son, Horgernoth, wishes nothing more than the death of his father, so he finds common cause with this gathering of deities, those who have lost the most from the rise of the Death God's power, who understood not how his Fugue plane but fuels many of the others for their very existence. To join him in his patricide, his old friend of the dragon lands of Barur, Lazarus, comes along with Allic, but two others join as well, an odd and vengeful soul, The Blackfyre Ghost, and a paladin of Vu, Lucian. They succeed in felling the demon prince, but this is after Gilkrin had already slain the aforementioned gods, but deep with in the abyss, where his own powers are strongest.

Rewards Granted

Godly boons:    Godly Resilience. You gain resistance to a damage type of your choice.   Legendary Resistance. Gain another legendary resistance to use to make a failed saving throw become a success.   Avatars and Demigods. Gain an ability score increase, where these stats can go above 20 but not 30 (Standard one point to two scores, or two points to one score). The player may also choose a feat or a boon, as approved by the DM, instead of this ability score increase.

Character(s) interacted with

Created Content

Deity Moot:   1d4 to Start where?   1. Tower of Zhulong: 1d8 position   2. Smokey's Circle: 1d8 position   3. Sarn's Sanctum: 1d8 position   4. Desford's Trench: 1d8 position

Smokey is Slain, Sarn is slain...
Scene 1: Consequences:
  1. Fartnugget is here with Valin: a dryad, more or less, but there is an intensity there, a motherly strength;
  2. THEN Sune comes in: Silk gowns, lustrious red hair; somewhere between a human, elf, and half elf--but her skin has a radiant pink undertone--something that reminds you of her patron mother, Valin, already waiting: Emhyr;
  3. Fentoris appears with Cuthbert: Elderly human knight with cat like eyes--yes, 'he is judging you' eyes;
  4. Bahumat with Jacq, and the guardian Solar arrive--He and his mother meet, share a hug, a kiss, and a bow;
  5. ONE solar breaks away, and soon escorts a lupin with Tempus himself (large warrior in full armor, flaming sword, red banners steeped in fallen blood), and lupin: "Jacq says, 'Good; many generations have come and gone since the Animaesus sent a warrior to a moot such as this.';
  6. TWO more solar break away and soon escort Kurtalmak in with his golden champion; Medium sized kobold, exquisite armor, shield spear: "Bahumat says, "Brave enough now are we, little brother?"
  7. A surprise for all other than Jacq, Primus (golden, floating bust, magical but mechanical), his grandsire, arrives with his short, robotic champion.
  8. Divine Chests and Divine Loot: What is there for you: Name the Legendary and any other items that shine, make sense.
  9. Roleplay: Meet and Greet: 5 minutes tops.
  10. THE PLAN: Jacq: Father Dendrick with his paladins of the Gods, my Kin, my New Children, and Sophie with her Band of Kord's Champions, have made their way to the corpse of Kelemvor, what is left at least; much has been eaten, used as resources, but there is enough. The fight to lay him to rest, and to take his bones, what is left, and assert a new throne with that of the body of Aikanaro. They need time, and they need the ethereal undead to be focused away from them. You are that time. Distract, if not kill, the ghostly essence of Aikanaro, and with his body properly put to rest, by the practices of the Prime Eight, his soul will turn to what it should have, what all the souls should have, a rest, a peace, a bargain into darkness for those that deserve, but not, not so many lost souls.
  11. We have found ourselves together, with patrons, so many other Deities--those after him would not exist without him. PC deities: Cuthbert, Tempus, Kurtulmak, Valin, Sune, Primus ... Meet with Jacq... show images of past...
  12. I have seen the Fall of the Green Emperess and Gilkrin's Rise;
  13. The Animaesus: Aikanaro's Deception of His Own People;
  14. the Tower;
  15. of the greatest mountain reigning above technology, nature, and presumably magic, only to be absorbed by fire and darkness beneaht;
  16. Of the Cliff, the Voyage, the woman who began it all for the humans--who birthed a boy destined for travel and greatest;
  17. of the death of a God, Willingly given for all life;
  18. of the fall of snakes, giants, and the great Kozilek;
  19. of the power of dragons, and the swords promised for wishes upon prophecy;
  20. of a bloom falling from the sky, life getting another chance;
  21. of a city fighting itself, the beast always, awakening, terrorizing...
  22. Of the first toil, his generals, the splitting of the fugue, the fight of his darkness and essence, and Aikanaro's fall upon the soil of his forebears.
  23. Of the secret torment, the darkness' jealousy to subvert and distract, and ...
  24. well, the planes were not prepared for the new heights to be reached. They were never prepared for how many would accept the invitation of the 8 Prime Deities for this power, this control over the Lands of Barur. This is not the change I bargained for those many millenia ago, against my father but with my mother; this is not the hope of our forebears, Atar and Van. Take your lives, your tools, and our hope; for we cannot enter the Fugue until it is clear of another essence; We made our planes ages ago, and we cannot break those laws now, for fear of what it could invite those like Aikanaro to do in the future.

Scene TWO: Iniative: Drop 250 ft.: DC 20 Acrobatics, half damage. 20d6 bludgeoning damage.
Scene Three: The Fugue's Pile. Passive perception--highest sees in the sky, the hydra about to land, a stumbling humanoid, each other, a darkness above. What do? Hide, the humanoid barks, covered in blood and viscera. IF they hide, it searches, and it will find; if not, fight. Zhulong helps for first two rounds, then he starts to cast enchantments and starts to get hungry. By Round 11, he can't take it anymore, the blood, the freshness of it, and he changes form, but he will not get into his real form until he has taken damage.
Scene Three: Teleported after the death of the Hydracholder to the next area, in front of a castle, or pyramid, not sure. Must climb up 100 ft. Then, the horde is between you and the door to his lair, Aikanaro. With the group leaving as it did, the adventure kind of fell to an ending that made sense. They fought his hunger, and his pet, and now they have fought past the growing horde, and then further into the dark tunnels.   Aikanaro greets them from his throne, and hovers over, expectantly, but just as surprised: "You are really that brazen, aren't you?"     With the group leaving as it did, the adventure kind of fell to an ending that made sense. Each deity came to rescue you before Gilkrin and his minions could take the remaining out and slay them.   Aikanaro plane shifted, presumably to defend his body from the other assaults. This left the group to face Gilkrin and Desford alone, and Desford fell at the lupin, Magnus', claws.   They could have stayed for more, but Cuthbert claimed for Fentoris' safety, Kurtalmak for Skiff, who was surrounded and fallen by Gilkrin's hands, and Sune for Emhyr; Magnus and Lord Fartnugget stand alone, in darkness with giants, demons, and undead about. They will not win, even with Desford dead beneath Magnus' feet.   Their deities see, and hear, and Valin takes them to safety, even though Tempus rages for Magnus at the dishonor of the combat. But they live.   Aikanaro is gone, to where, we know not, and Gilkrin now stands as a new deity partner with the Lord of Undeath.   The Gods will have to wait and see. The rules may have to change to really defeat this new deity.
Report Date
25 Jun 2022
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Cover image: by Seth Love
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