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Salted Tarrasques

This is an echo from a previous campaign. A group of heroes fought to destroy Had’s Dark Tower, while the ancient Deity released the Tarrasque upon the lands. Once these heroes defeated the Tower, they then rallied the armies of all the Animaesus, the Dwarves to the north, and the new found human and halfling friends to the east. With this, they slowly, finally defeated the monstrosity, but, not able to really destroy it, as this creature is the wrath of Barur, our Earth, itself, the peoples bound it. It was here, a new world was formed, had the heroes only known the outcome. A new city, at least, but this city would establish a new world order, would give humanity a hold on this ancient, sylvan land untouched before by such foul taint.
  There have been many recent shifts in the meat market, as a newer group, the Enders, have begun a turn of gossip, hinting at the undead nature of the Tarrasque meat so many Animaesus consume daily, the thriving fuel of the City of Salt. The 13 have asked for those willing to get their hands dirty, and make a quick sack of coins. Nonetheless, there is tension and worry among the 13 Houses, as these rumors have made many wonder at the need for the 13 Seals, the need for the Imprisonment of the Beast. Nonetheless, no one will deny the cub boom, the increase in births, the wealth and connections to the dwarves to the North, and even the close allies of the Sun Born, the refugees of the Cataclysm of Claddenrow, some eight years ago. The Goal of the Enders, their most immediate goal, you must find it out, and who if any of the 13 or the other Factions or Faiths might be involved. These selfish acts will destroy the lives of thousands in the City of Salt.
  The 12th house has found more ways to get meat.
  Races: Dragonborn, Lizardfolk, Halfling, Human, Dwarf, Rock Gnome, Drow, Goblinoids, The Animaesus; other races exist, but must have specific DM approval. Agogi (mutated lizardfolk) ; Grippli (city evolved Ranas).
  To be clear, this part of the world is run by the Animaesus, particularly the Cholioptid[beatles], Ranas [frogs], Felin (Pumthera, Lynxin, and Felis [felines]), Moustelin (Melin, Musteli, Putori [weasel-kin]) and Canin (Lupin, Canis, Vulpin [canines]). The other races are there and relatively common, but they do not have the social perks that the aforementioned get. This land was the Animaesus before the other races came, to assist some, but also to oppress from Had's Tower.
  Classes: Any and all available from published DND books, plus Catalysts, The Trainer, The Mystic, The Pugilist

The Thirteen Houses

  The Elder Lupin Council of the 1st Meridian
Conservative diplomats; have direct business interests to nearly everything in the city; serve as brokers and negotiators to other houses, open dealings. House militia is the most traditional law enforcement.
  The Elder Council’s District Classic river coast style, many newer homes, a well kept part of the city.
  Notable Members
  • Binder-Lord: Hybearn, middle aged, handsome Lupin, who toils daily to keep the city in order; his movements to do are instrumental to keeping the Salted Remnants moving, the trade thriving.
  • Killian, his half giant son, is heir and command loyalty of the 2nd House for rescuing them.

  The Claim of the 2nd Meridian
Eclectic pragmatists inducting hypercompetitive members on merit; medals of rank with in house proudly worn, counting down to 10, with the first being the Binder-Lord. A diverse house, as the Ranas know the power of diversity in how it tamed the Beast. This house is mostly gone, by now, but the Quinnay is under the protection of the First House thanks to Killian.
  The Ranas Claim District Very diverse amalgamation of Animaesus construction, human, and dwarf.
  Notable Members
    • Quinnay, a Ranas, known for his exceptional shrewdness and disdain for those he felt did not deserve their position. He has deep green skin, looking almost skin to a toad, and he dresses in simple brown linens.
    • Kindine, a drow, near second to inherit the Binder-Lord position (would be the first elf to do so). He is the current Sergeant-at-Arms for the district. He is young, only 20 years old.

  The Short Breaths of the 3rd Meridian
Shrewd Cholioptid lords of spice and water; the Binder-Lord Rooman Dufaine was a common cook in his youth, but now is a shrewd business owner for the sensible goods of The Salted Remnants. His house controls the clean water import and export into the city. They keep to themselves, but are vital to the resources need for this city.
  The Short Breath District A sprawling complex that favors function over form. There are more kitchens and dining halls than any other room, attended to by the best chefs of the lands who are aided by a huge throng of slaves. Few guest quarters are here, however, as those who are just here for the party are aimed to leave.
  Notable Members
    • Rooman Dufaine is a cholioptid in his late 30s, known for his head for business, heir to a slain aristocrat, friend to the common people. His shell is deep iridescent green and brown, with highlights of yellow on his abdomen and cheeks.
    • Sergeant-at-Arms: Drummond, a lapid Guard, in his late 20s, keen and very interested in proving himself.
    • Head Chef: Thoma Earthchild, a mountain dwarf who employs adventurers and mercenaries to bring him ingredients.

  The Adventuring Horde of the 4th Meridian
Indebted and vengeful former adventurers, mostly Ratuess, yearning for the glory days. Ataxia, she was a famed Ratuess warrior, one who leads the hordes of her people, some of the first, against the dreaded power of the Tarrasque. They now lead some of the greatest warriors gathering some of the most rare artifacts, those needed to slay the Beast, but without much use now, as the Beast sleeps.
  The Adventuring Horde District A very, very large complex showing signs, already of disrepair, much of it appears like a decrepit museum filled with artifacts and wonders from better days.
  Notable Members
  • Most honored and favored of the thirteen, Ataxia (Deceased) the Ratuess never abandoned the crusade to finally kill the Tarrasque.
  • Current Binder-Lord: Trundle, Bugbear
  • Youvin 9 Fingers a mercenary and adventurer--very experienced and a nasty temper: she is the Sergeant-at-Arms for the 4th Meridian; she is a gold dragonborn.

  The Fifth House of the Meridian Powerful alchemists with control of rare reagents and mutations, tattoos within the city. Without this aid, the sleep of the Beast would never be achieved. This house now has many innocuous long-term contracts with other houses that grant a near monopoly on important alchemical reagents needed for the sleep process. Catalysts are very common amongst this faction. The house is much smaller than it once was.
  The Fifth House’s District There are many noble districts and manors; these hide the alchemical labs and offices which are interwoven into deeper dungeons and horrid research areas. The gnomes and the cholioptids, they have dug deeper, and intertwined many ideas, all in the search for the perfection only the Tarrasque can give, as a titan and an ancient monstrosity of Barur itself.
  Notable Members
    • Anton The Glyphmaker, Tarrasque Binder, Flowerbeam, Dolfen… a legendary gnomish alchemist, greatest, some say, of the Binder-Lords.
    • Merrin Chyn, Anton’s spouse, a male human, a drunk found in soiled unfit clothing.
    • Head Alchemist, Fidreo, a squamata, who has said to have found the power of undead; he can create ghouls.

  The Moustelin Rite and the Sway of the 6th Meridian
Militant weasel-kin, bloodthirsty for expansion, but lives filled with internal schisms. This house is the house of war. Blood and strength, but adherence to the law, is what this house emulates.
  The Moustelin District The buildings are adorned with weapons and armor of the families of each house, as well as key standards and tapestries that depict the wrath and honor of the Moustelin. The central district has ringed training fields.
  Notable Members
    • Duordein, the current Binder-Lord, an older Melin, his family has a legendary fighting style that was instrumental in the binding of the Beast. They are Heroes.
    • His heir, Thiamine, is a gambler and lover of the vices of the city.

  The Prowler’s Creed of the 7th Meridian

An older religious bond, devout followings of Valin and Jacq, who now have a new paragon to follow, a Lynxin, brother to a band of Felin--Macinfex, who has reinterpretted the teachers of the elder gods. However, without this house’ devout worship, the Beast probably would awake.
  The Prowler’s District Tall trees, bridges, and ropes, in a mixture of decadent aristocratic living--otherwise mundane save for the large temple squares, once an ancient monument the Testudine built for Jacq and Valin, and the tamers/creators of Barur.
  Notable Members
    • Macinfex, the Lynxin “saint” of the balance of Nature with the Beast.
    • Genovo Thrice Blessed, another saint of Valin and Jacq, a devout follower of the teacher Macinfex, a Pumthera, leopard lady.
    • 7th House Sergeant-at-Arms: A halfling, meaning to prove herself, Bixbine BIllingsford, keeps a larger group of militiamen in the Tail Stones, investigating crimes, and harassing worshippers of Renesec.

  The Fellowship of the 8th Meridian
Founding members of Cholioptid, Lapid, Aves, Cynas, and Felis as well as other races; bardic inheritors with vast interest in the entertainment world of the city as well as the stories of the peoples of the Salted Remnants. They control an outside opera and a gladiator arena. The current Binder-Lord chooses the next lord based upon the companions they have, the lover's intentions and proof of loyalty.
  The 8th District There clusters of tunnels, buildings, and expansive upper housings in trees with large windows--the 8th house sports hundreds of art works, frescos, and performance spaces incorporated in the living quarters. Events held here are for the elite of the city.
  Notable Members
    • Dealine, a long blackhaird Cynas, known for her ruthless charm and beautiful voice. Sister to the current Binder-Lord, Vear.
    • Vear, a lover of the arts and music.
    • Sergeant-at-Arms: Aether, a larger brown-eagle-like Aves, in his early 30s, and a long time friend to Dealine.

  The Brotherhood of Blood, the 9th Meridian
A group of Dragonborn, human, halfling, and other races (a very, very diverse house, nonetheless). They are a group in search of ancient power. “Blood will tell,” they say. They look to find purified magic blood, sanctifying their claim as the most unique power in the city.
  The Blood Magic District There are many roughly made, quickly built homes and towers. The main tower is elaborately decorated with flames on the glass windows.
  Notable Members
  • Xantha Eldurach, the Every Smile, a human lord who claims the Binder-Lord title.
  • His trio of daughters and he run much of what remains of the fallen 12th House district.
    • Sergeant-at-Arms: Korth, a powerful brass dragonborn, both with magic, his breath attack, and his strength at arms.

  The Guild Paw of the 10th Meridian
Putori run the show here, but Humans, Lapids, and other races are very common, too. They are a secretive house that have grown rich from brokering information and deals. There are two ranks within the house, the fuori (numerous and usually younger members known for bawdiness, dueling, and revelry) or high ranking elders, the presci (rarely seen, who conduct high level business). Drugs run rampant.
  The Guild Paw District High walls and deep tunnels adorn the otherwise unassuming outward appearance of the Water Dens, with flesh pits, and space for volumes upon volumes of books and secrets, their Black Library.
  Notable Members
    • Piorvani, a putori dandy known for his love of wine and other, stronger intoxicants, the current Binder-Lord.
    • DECEASED. Keeper of the Blackd Ledgers: Altopar Menzogna-Impertabo a human in his fifties, the highest ranking and most powerful member of the fuori.

  The Confederacy of Wizards of the 11th Meridian
Eccentric wizards from all walks of life that are trying to change the world with ancient and new magics. To most this house is an enigma, but in general, a proof of magical inclination is needed to gain acceptance into the 11th House.
  The 11th District The Tower stands tall, made of decadent golden glass and deep black irons. The scenery itself is ever changing due to the modular and magical nature of the district. The Tower stands as its marker.
  Notable Members
    Faurwiin of House Niboné is now the Binder Lord of this House. A shrewd elven bladesinging wizard.
  • DECEASED. Orcafor a gnome wizard, who found a benefit for magic in everything, even technology. Mistrustful of bloodlines, the only lineage that is recognized in this house is that of teacher, apprentice, and pupil.

  Marrow of the 12th Meridian

NOW: Mealladh Apéthanta is the BINDER Lord, taken clandestinely while the Matron Mother fell. Only the other Binder lords sort of sense this. 
FORMERLY:A group of Drow, along with some Canis, Human and Dwarf began an upstart house seemingly involved in the rise of organized crime in the City. They have ties with nearly every faction and house.
  The Miners District A large collection of buildings, basements, and caves, that are constantly being retrofitted and worked on. Much of this is NOW owned by the 9th House. 
  Notable Members
    • DEAD: Spenser Marcellun, a human warrior and smuggler, Binder-Lord of the house.
    • DEAD: Militia Commander: Roland Earthchild, and mountain dwarf leader of the militia.

  The Quelling of the 13th Meridian
A larger house of halflings focused on construction and city planning. They specialize in using the scales and bones of the beast for the construction of the city.
  The 13th District A raucous and accessible space marked by an age of Hedonism. The doors of the house are open, as free water is often given out to the masses.
  Notable Members
    • Rexaney Pelago, a stout halfling, who has grown fatter and lazy in these years of peace.
    • Lead Engineer: Zoop Keljik, an gnomish engineer who is driven by her incredible boredom.
    • Head of Research: Welri Haradya, a very small halfling, who leads most of the research on the Beast.

  The Enders
Unknown faction, mostly. Presumably started by druids, clerics, Testudine, Trochil, Squamata, and others who feel the Tarrasque represents all that goes against nature.

Cover image: by Seth Love


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