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Session 0-1: Warehouses of Baby Tarrasques

Rewards Granted

15 copper and 13 silver, Birdman gets. 
Map of the Woods and Swamps around the The City of Salt given to Cotton by Telearia . 
Diagram of Baby Tarrasque harvesting--stolen by Birdman from Telearia .
Outfit of warrior wood elf design promise--given to Eros by Telearia .
Promise of help to Telearia, given by all.

Missions/Quests Completed

The group arrived outside the warehouse; hiding the the shadows with skilled stealth and magical silence, they perceive through hearing, sight, and smell, sneaky figures inside the Warehouse. 
They break in, find fallen crates over two posters, a map and a diagram for harvesting a tarrasque. 
Two elves hide in the back room, scared, but Eros is able to convince Telearia to stay behind, but Telearia wants her friend to able to escape. 
Stryke breaks through the door as Telearia's compatriot carves through the opposing wall with weave/force, magical blades. Meanwhile, Birdman has circled back northwest to the same alleyway that the compatriot leaves into from the room of the warehouse. Birdman is ready with a shot. 
Telearia begs the group let her compatriot leave with one of the young meat boxes. Eros uses magical mind reading to understand, with the very direct telepathy that Telearia assists with, that this warehouse represents storage of a harvest farm for necromancitcally created baby tarrasques--meat and resources (presumably tainted) now part of the city market. The she-elf also tries to convince the group to let her testimony serve as trust for her friend's exit. The group eventually agrees, as Cotton and Birdman rifle through the leftover crates in the warehouse. 
In the last seconds, Birdman takes the evidence ahead to gain his reward, as he was very unsure about trusting the elf pair in the first place. The rest of the group says good by to Telearia, with promises of fashion exchanged between the elf and Eros. Yet, also, upon leaving, Birdman sees the young elf compatriot fail his ability to stealth passed the 12th House guards near the closest gate.
The group now decides to intervene, at a possible loss to their own connections to the City.

Character(s) interacted with

Telearia, an elf able to wield magic of force with an unknown compatriot.
Report Date
16 Jul 2022
Primary Location
Secondary Location
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Cover image: by Seth Love


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