BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


Human bard, lives in the City of Salt, PC in the Animaesus and the Tarrsque.

LvL 1: She meets her Bard Master, Sayrulion Emmtalor, and journeys with him across the land with no real destination in mind. LvL 2: Eros (age 8) and Sayrulion take lodge at a brothel for reasons and they help revitalize the brothel via Eros’ idea of establishing a kitchen so the workers can feed the customers.   LvL 3: Eros (age 14) and Sayrulion put on a concert for a small village and a lot of activities occurred.   LvL 4: Eros (age 15) takes off on her own as Sayrulion goes on a journey that involves lots of psychedelics.     LvL 5: Eros (age 20) helps a den of wolves survive through a winter and they become the bestest of friends.   LvL 6: Eros (age 24) meets Birdman and travels with him to a city claimed to be of great fortune.   LvL 7: Eros (age 25) and Birdman reach the great Tarrasque City and find themselves needing to adapt to life and so turn to Rogue antics.

Eros was born a into a normal family with few worries. The farm produced well and the village neighbors were peaceful folk. She spent her days as a little girl running through the streets and playing with her friends. With no worries to think of how could she know when troublesome people arrived. A noble home that accepted visitors, often children, was a place she often went to just to play her favorite game Darts. Bandits asked for her help in locating the noble home and she led them towards the death of her home. She was a lone survivor of the mansions destruction as she hid under the floor boards and silently counted to herself to remain calm as screams echoed around her. By the time she could leave she found her home ablaze and her parents dead.     Walking alone along the path she met a wandering bard that took her under his wing for the next decade of her life as she learned the ways of a bard. By the time she was 15 she could cast simple spells to protect herself or help others. But Eros became a mischievous girl who preferred to get into trouble and so her spells matched her ability to escape or distract. She wasn't a bad girl, mind you. She always made sure that she doesn't harm good people and she keeps the damage she causes to a minimum. She also snuck into many brothels and learned many perverted things that she adopted into her vocabulary but she never follows through with it.       By the time she was a well established bard, she had travelled the continent in search of something that she didn't know she was looking for. Her master was as much of a wanderer as she was and their paths separated as she entered her mid 20's. But trouble soon followed her in her lonesome journey. Someone, something, was now following her. It was a violent creature that caused harm wherever she went and she feared the things that could happened to the innocent people she would pass. So when she heard of a city where corruption runs deep she was determine to make that her hunting grounds.       Along her journey to the city she met a very strange bird man who could only mimic the things she said, but her bardic capabilities enabled her to understand the creature and they became good friends. They journeyed to the city together to explore its wonders only to find that the cutthroat nature of it would require a change of approach and so the two joined together in becoming rogues in the dark.     Now, Eros arms herself with 4 darts and a swath of spells to make her entries and escapes much easier to accomplish. The city isn't kind to humans, but she's ready to use her charms and dexterity to survive and put an end to whatever it is that hunts her down and she's also got a bird man to help her along the way.
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Cover image: by Seth Love


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