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Session 10: Mel of the 9th House; "Time to Set the World on the Fire" The Ways of Salt; City of Salt

General Summary

The The 4 Ways of Disaster find themselves awake late into the evening on the 15th of Light, Second Boccob's of the year 697. They carouse, they perform drinking songs (Eros), and they attempt access to VIP areas on the second floor. There are drow up there, and the drunken Eros wants full access to the dark rooms of Matilda's Brothel . This almost breaks into a heated display of arrogance and charisma.
However, outside, Stryke, Birdman begin to head home, but Phineas Shadowblossom stops them, as he was already inside meeting with Matilda . Nonetheless, he warns Birdman and Stryke of the drama inside while simultaneously, his compatriot Mealladh Apéthanta arrives to gives access to Godbutcher records from her private investigations in order to help them find Aengiliiz Altopar before she gets herself killed for her passions to save the city from the darkness of the 12th House . Yet, Eros 's distractions inside force the rest of the party to turn around and head upstairs to aid the young bard.
Bounding upon stairs and walls, Stryke arrives first, climbing the ceiling, and threatening the drow. Mel, or Mealladh Apéthanta , arrives with Birdman soon thereafter. They are able to convince Eros and others to head backdown stairs.
Once below, Eros writhes in anger and drunkness, and the others, Mel and Stryke, hear on the floor above a screech of someone in terror, a muffled scream. Stryke reacts to tell Matilda of the possible murders, and the others begin to leave. Birdman goes to investigate alone upstairs, but not have the numbers on his side, he leaves the drow alone to their devices. Meanwhile, Eros reads Mel's mind for names, secrets, and trauma.
Upon returning home, late into the evening, almost midnight, they find Althea of Stryke's Children waiting outside Terry 's house. The young, stout drow leads them inside with Mel, and they find Terry's half eaten body. They react with trauma and resolve in kind, and eventually the body turns undead, and Mel caves in its skull and then Eros' lights it in flame. Terry will not return to the life of the living. Soup is made? It gets complicated there.
They head to bed.
Mel searches the first part of the night for some contact among the 9th House, but has no success at the late hours before the Blood Festival . She heads to bed, and peruses through her old investigation notes relations to Hardy and the 12th House as well as a possible lead on Lady Altopar as Lady Angel.
On the 16th Of Light, in the early, early morning, Phineas arrives at Mel's place, and they talk and find information of an odd meeting in the warehouse districts of Sage's Row , a secret meeting of Godbutchers. They rush to tell the others, as heralding horns announce the approach of the Blood Festival's inciting incident, The Severing of the femural artery. However, the find the rest of the party waking up to a hungover Eros, lost into soup and steaks, and the trauma of Terry. And, they decide, eventually, to go to the meeting.
Yet, Jim, City Knight arrives with his own captain, and members from the 10th House. With Altopar's deception and loyalty from the 1st House, they now seek Eros and Stryke's arrest and presentation on the Stagecourts for a celebratory spectacle for the Blood Festival. Birdman and Mel are able to convince the City Knight to wait until midday, and then they head to the warehouse meeting of the godbutchers.

Rewards Granted

Knowledge of meeting of Godbutchers.

Character(s) interacted with

Cover image: by Seth Love


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