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Session 21: Animaesus and Tarrasques: The Queen Bitch and the Gently Murdered Snake

General Summary

It is the 2nd of Fall Feather, and The Ways and Mores of Salt have found themselves with split purposes. Ssech goes to his 10th House Lord with Birdman to discuss new court proceedings and also steps toward the 12th House and their recent steps towards presumed city domination. Stryke, Cotton, and Mel make sure Stryke's Children are all accounted for as they move them out of the city away from the developing carnage and desperation of the 12th House. Eros, she goes to the 13th House to ask for Rexaney's avoidance in the actions of her and group in the near future.
Pio agrees with Ssech and Birdman that taking the ancient artifact from the 12th House, taking advantage of this quietly, will be in the best interest of his House. The 10th House will assist, and he warns Ssech, as the sorcerer stays behind for further directions, that the 10th House will not openly engage, and should The Ways and Mores of Salt dishonor the 10th House, Ssech is to take care of them break ties. After Birdman leaves, he goes to the 11th House and their Binder-Lord, Orcafor, a gnomish abjurer, where the Birdman hopes to take the wizard up on his offer to perform the inevitable remove curse; finally, he may be able to return to the wood elf he was only 20 years ago.
Meanwhile, Eros is able to convince the halfling Binder-Lord of the lustful 13th House, Rexaney Pelago, 13th Binder, Stout Halfling Glamour Bard , that his house needs to stay out of her venture, something with a high lord and something that will potentially cause a civil war amongst the houses of the City of Salt, those thirteen words of power that hold the tarrasque asleep by divine intervention.
Additionally, during this same time, Mel, Cotton, and Stryke, well, the return to the apartment of Cotton, Birdman and Eros, where Stryke began his caves beneath the city. Here, they meet with Rhogar and Althea , but Leandra and Donavan are missing. They decide with Leandra's current rebellious age, Cotton should go to her, while Mel leads Rhogar and Althea to her new cavern lair. Their father, Stryke, he goes to find Donavan.
Consequences arise, as Donavan has befriended two canin from the 12th House, Marrow Miners, who listen to the young barbarian preach of his father's exploits. Leandra, the young pumthera rogue, found herself being hired by the 11th House guards of Sage's Row, those who once hired the drow of the 12th House to assist them in breaking and taking is inside of Altpar's Vault, he of the 10th House shamed, lost, defeated, and felled.
After warning her friends in the 13th House, Eros now travels to the 1st House barracks, as she wishes to speak with Strekveil , the lupin fond of her and a close friend and pack leader of Jim, City Knight . She tells him of all of their plight, and he believes her: of Altopar and the 12th House warehouse, their cloning of tarrasques, the manipulation of the city and its gains. Strekveil is a loss for words, and hopes that this honesty will hold true with fact, and that they will move on these actions of the 12th House with more vigor; investigation were already started, the 4th and 8th House aid the wolves of the 1st in trying to find those to blame, apparently the 12th House it is. Eros comforts him by informing him that she is the Queen Bitch, and that she is the one who will take care of the real leaders of the 12th House: the drow and the Matron Mother. 
Birdman reaches the tower of the archmage Orcafor, and after some annoyances of local guards, he meets with the gnome. Eros also telepathic contacts him at this point, and Birdman's warning of possible death from this remove curse scares Eros to run and join her bestfriend. She watches a grotesque, melting transformation of Birdman, as his Kenku from sludges off him, and he returns to his Wood Elf form. They decide to rejoin the group.
Leandra is convinced by Cotton, only because everyone will come to join them in this escape: everyone. Stryke is able to share stories and strength to the leaders of the Marrow Miners, and he impresses them enough for his canin protege and son to follow him back home. Ssech also meets the group back at their apartment, Eros, Cotton, and Birdman's. They then wait for Mel to return, but a few hours later.
The new Birdman and Eros finally join them as well, back at their apartment, and they discuss the next steps of their moves, and before the children leave, Ssech gives them his Ebony, a magical snake, telling them to squeeze and destroy the illusion magic that corporealizes him, and then they will know they need assistance out in the caves. Furthermore, once Mel returns, they decide to use Seeming spells of illusion to make them look like new drow recruits found from the city, and luckily, the guards of the 12th House have been spread thin as they search about the city for Eros and others, it seems, what others are not quite apparent. Nonetheless, the follow Shallowbutter below, convincing the second outpost of guards in a dark sewer part of the 12th House, where Eros knows there is sewage waterfall that leads to Spenser, the mock leader of the 12th House, after a levitation reagent was dispersed on the party and Shallowbutter by the dwarf guards.
Below, after a flight of stairs and some twisted somewhat natural and man-made tunnels, they find the doors Eros knows leads to Spenser's chambers, but they listen from the other side of the doors before they open them. From within, they hear dwarves discussing with Spenser about their missing lord. He came to the Binder-Lord a week ago, and he is still missing. The dwarves get ready to leave, as Stryke smells beasts, and Birdman finds evidence of dogs and spiders.
Spenser looks on with shock, the dwarves with awe, as 6 drow, including Shallowbutter, stand with Eros at the threshold to his room, the entrance to the Underdark of the City of Salt.

Cover image: by Seth Love


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