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Session 22: Animaesus and Tarrasques: The Race for Ka'sh and Roxana

General Summary

It is the 2nd of Fall Feather, and the group is in the Underdark home of Spenser, presumed Binder-Lord of the 12th House. They attempt parley, to allow them all below to see the matron mother, but they are unable to convince the keen lord. Thus, in response Birdman summons four tigers to aid the group, and with that, and a timely detect thoughts by Eros to both see the dwarves worries and remember the dwarf lord she saw ready for sacrifice at the Matron's table a week or so ago. A bitter brawl broke out, and Spenser was slain. However, with Ssech's magical aid to find the secret door, and Shallowbutter's password still working, they move on into the next phase. Picking the lock of a hidden stairwell entrance by Mel, the group follows to the Keep, not getting lost in the depths and tunnels along the way. The tigers follow, protecting the group at Birdman's order. 
Finally, the arrive at the Drow Matron's Keep, and they are able to ambush a giant spider guard, and sneak around to the side of these webbing-glassy windows, through which they find Roxana, exhausted and asleep. 
Eros envelops the arrow in silence, and Ssech uses his manipulation of the shadows to gain access to the room with Roxana by way of a dimension door. They soon awake Roxana, but around the other side, the tigers defend their flank, and these conjured beasts engage with a warning spider, one that trumpets throughout the caverns of the keep. Drow begin to give chase, and the group heads further into the cavern below, towards the ancient testudine artifact, Ka'sh. The group easily out paces the following drow, for Birdman leaves his tigers to defend and ambush those who follow after them. 
They arrive, for the first time as a whole group, inside the ancient artifact's lair. Now, how do they get it out of here?

Rewards Granted

600 gp, 60 pp, and +1 leather armor taken from Spenser.

Cover image: by Seth Love


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