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Session 2: City of Salt: Disease, Divorce, and Disaster

General Summary

The 4 Ways have followed Birdman as he rushes to give the 10th House the evidence they paid the group to find.
The Kenku, Birdman , attempts to convince the dwarves of the 12th House District , as well as the canis grunts and drow masterminds, that Avalon is not to worry over. Yet, Birdman--Attorney at Crime--also knows that the other houses have little say over this. During this brief conversation, Telearia tries to move closer to save her elven friend, and she is seen by one of the coyote-folk, canis, archers of the wall. Indeed, she would almost be found, and indeed complicate her dear friend's life. Eros, Stryke, and Cotton see this, and Stryke climbs the nearby rooftops to stop the scout from alerting the others. Stryke intimidates the canis, and he stops his alert.
Meanwhile, Eros walks forward and deceives the guards of how Avalon is indeed Avalon, a lost wanderer in the city. She also convinces the group that the box of meat is indeed there's, the group's, and not there's. Thus, the group has that to give back to the 10th House.
Thankfully, the The 4 Ways divert future tension with the 12th House (two natural 20 deception checks by Eros).
Once well away from the district of the 12th, and that of their new Marrow Miners , Eros plans with the others to get Telearia and Avalon out of the city by way of Stryke's tunnels and cave under The 4 Ways apartment. These tunnels connect to the ancient Testudine catacombs of centuries past (tortoise-folk, the original denizens of this area of the Lands of Animaesus). 
Cotton and Stryke work together, taking about three and half hours, to lead the elven group through The Tunnels of the Tortoise. During that time, they talk of how could these infant tarrasques be burgeoned. As best as Telearia could reason from her time the last ten years hunting these tarrasque farms outside the city, it is only because of The Undeath of Aikanaro that the 12th House has done so, and indeed, Cotton thinks, that maybe her contacts in the 5th House may know more about how this is done, for the head alchemist has almost perfected a means of ghouls sentiency, harnessed and sustained by tarrasque's primordial fluids. Telearis mentions that even powerful wizards can clone creatures, so maybe the 12th House has found a way to use this, to create this infant tarrasques. Before fully departing from the tunnels, Telearia is informed of Eros's sending spell capabilities, and she asks the group to message her if any other information is found by about these issues of the baby tarrasques, to please inform her. They must lie low, and way for the end, and with this Cotton and Stryke intuit the elves are part of a hated group by the City of Salt, the Enders. Technically, the The 4 Ways have committed a form of treason against the The 13 Binder Lords . Yet, no one is the wiser in those organization. No, not yet. 
Back in the city, Birdman and Eros arrive at the Tower of the 10th, and they go up to the eighth floor to meet with Altopar , the keeper of secrets. There is discussion of a recent past, and of Altopar's divorce caused by his lust for Eros. Complications have ensued because this, at least as of yet, unrelated to the group's goals. The wizard investigates the skull of the baby tarrasque, the meat, and the diagram, seemingly unmoved by their strangeness. Eros and Birdman find this odd, but they are unsure of what this means. Eros plans on investigating this divorce more. 
Now, the group goes to relax, and Birdman and Eros to wait for the other two to return from the elf-trafficking. During this time Eros and Caerhals Fiendom, the Famed of the Salted City have a Duel of Bards , where Caerhals loses and must relinquish his famous lute, Bella. The young and attractive bard, Eros, then continues the party with her own rendition of Bohemian Rhapsody. Cotton and Stryke join during this time and the group splits their pay. Yet, also, during the end of this song, Caerhals returns with hired grunts to enact revenge for his embarrassment. A fight breaks out within the bar, with its owner, Greendar Hiiten, Choloptid Loremaster , using a compulsion spell to drive the group out, and Birdman and Stryke inadvertently killing a young ratuess in the process. Additionally, Eros helps to convince Caerhals dancers to join the 13th House. The main lupin guards of the 1st House arrive, and they arrest and detain Caerhals and what remains of his goons. Jim, City Knight is here, and he is able to allow the The 4 Ways to leave without being arrested themselves. 
As the group leaves, the Greendar Hiiten, Choloptid Loremaster takes the body of the slain ratuess, and he cannibalizes it into a soup for the next day. Stryke , Terry , and Cotton find this a bit maddening.

Rewards Granted

Knowledge: Cotton remembers information of the 5th House .
Eros learns that Altopar became divorced because of interacting with Eros.
Skull and diagram given to Altopar, and he rewards the group with 800sp and 72gp.
Caerhals gear: slightly damage fine-clothes, short sword, short bow.
Loyalty? Eros pays off the 4th House Ratuess, 10gp.
Experience started today. 
Greendar and Jim get XP.

Missions/Quests Completed

Turned in information about the Warehouse of the 12th House was given to the 10th House.

Character(s) interacted with

Telearia and her friend Avalon (assumed name, see above): they escaped outside the city with the groups help.

Jim, City Knight: helps alleviate 4th House attacks and pressure, arrests others.
Avalon: Friend of Telearia. 
Greendar Hiiten, Choloptid Loremaster: for him, Eros helps create a party.
Terry: landlord to the group.
Caerhals Fiendom, the Famed of the Salted City: group fends off his grunts after being offended by losing to Eros.  Hardy (person:a6e8a343-c2c2-4f7f-9de5-0bc4b440c6b9) : fought for a few gold. (He might be having an affair with an important member of the city

Created Content

Duel of Bards


Terry: madness, 10 hours of babbling about boobs and ratmeat. 
Stryke: 100 hours of deafened state, PTSD? 
Cotton: 70 hours, babbling dancers and slabs of meat.
Report Date
30 Jul 2022
Primary Location
Secondary Location
Related Characters

Cover image: by Seth Love


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