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Session 29: The End of the 12th House of the City of Salt Initiates

General Summary

They meet at the Blackwell Tavern on the 7th of Fall Feather, 697. They rise early, Mel to drink and ponder these next steps while her zombie horde waits nearby hidden in some alleyway, hearing only her voice and command. The 9th House has been pure with its choice, for Mealladh Apéthanta represents a purification of their necrotic arcana. 
Garvuld meets with her soon, and Ssech lives in an apartment above this Libary of Secrets, the Blackwell Tavern. Ferrum tries for over an hour to get Thelas on track to the meeting, but the young elf only seeks to understand breakfast beer. 
When they are all gathered, they get lost in their personal aims before Aether, an aves Master at Arms from the 8th House, and the Trochil Triplets, Grave Priests from the 9th House Cairns. 
With this new group of Assassins for the 5th, 8th, 9th, 10th, and 11th Houses gathered, they follow Mel into the bowels of the City of Salt, for she was here only a week or so ago, aiding in Eros' escape from this city of sin. 
They travel two hours underneath the city, passed its sewage, mostly from erosion of the blood and oozes of the tarrasque, into the ancient Testudine Tunnels dug from thousands of years ago, then finally into the crystalline and opaque rock structures of the Underdark and its Dark Mantle. They are quiet and stealthy when they come upon the last bridge, with drow resistance from any approach, that leads into this final Sanctum. 
They are first greeted by sounds of joy and cackling laughs, which Ssech is able to postulate that they are gnolls from lands far away or even canis morphed by demonic power. They are confused at first to move passed the first doors, made of magical webs. These webs only recognize drow and their elected associates, but the Seeming spell and some dispell magic from Mel helped them passed. 
With Ssech's Seeming on them, making them again, all but the Trochil trio, look like drop operatives from the city. With this, and an invisibility to mask Garvuld's giant's might magic, the group in silence at first, Mel's absorbs sound with an ancient spell, to ambush the drow and gnolls protecting the first few rooms, where the gnolls watched awe as a baby tarrasque and flesh golem dueled it out over supremacy over the tunnels of the drow. 
They easily move in, Garvuld, Ferrum and Thelas on the outskirts with an Orc trainer trying to save the young tarrasque. Mel and Ssech with aid of Aether and the Trochil trio take the inside. Fireballs cast by the young Thelas and Ssech, however, as well as the ruthlessness of others, bring more drow and others to investigate this siege of the sanctum. 

The battle continues to rage; corpses of drow, orc, gnoll, and tarrasque already lay before their feet.

Cover image: by Seth Love


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