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Session 40: On the Trail of the Spikey 'Hippo': Animaesus and Tarrasques

General Summary

The first day is one of peaceful travel, and one where Eros tries to Initimdate on the level of her friend Stryke, remarkably succeeding because of telepathic tendencies. That night, she narrates the duel between Stryke and Shallowbutter, where the latter becomes flumuxed upon her defeat by the former (although it was close), and she trips the melin, giving him a quick kiss over him as he lies staring up at her, then spinning even more with stars above him and after she leaves. Sadar Colarr comes to lie next to Stryke, taking in the sky more than the layers of tension and love.
The first watch he stay awake and enjoys the sky as Sadar trances. When he awakes Eros and Roxana for the next watch, it is quiet until about 20 minutes in, when Eros sees red glowing eyes from the dense foliage. The eyes dart away, the owner presumably speeding away out of sight to regroup with others. However, Eros is able to force her consciousness into the fleeing creature, and they parley at first for warnings of each other's demise, but then it turns into five hours of Eros pestering the poor drow woman with images and expletives of genitalia and lewd actions.
Before her rest, she sends a magical message to her father figure, Sayrulion . She informs him of the fall of the 12th House, K'ash ascension, and even the farms of baby tarrasques that she and the others start to investigate now on their travels. The information from the City of the Dog warned them as to such happenings. He promises to come to her aid as soon as he can.
The next morning, they travel for about half the day until they arrive at tracks of some larger creatures that have town through hills, trees, ravines and valleys for at least 15 miles, and they follow the trail with Eros' and Sadar's aid. They find evidence of weaselkin village destroyed by monsters, and then the find sublte tracks here and there of some humanoids leading them along, these monstrosities of the earth and descrators of the lands. As they investigate and follow the trail further west and then north, they are soon greeted by a human looking figure in shambling and multicolored robes, wearing an obtuse hat and adorned with more belts than anyone would be comfortable in, and he comes to offer magical aid to the group in the upcoming ventures, but Eros is wary of such newcomers after so many switches in the party roster of late. Thus, she contacts Mystra, goddess of magic and the Weave, to answer for the truth of such a wizard who calls himself sane. She says simply: he has a motive and she doesn't know what it is, for she cannot read minds, not at this distance. Eros interprets this as a means to trust the human S'arrek the Sane , and he begins to help them toward their goal about the tarrasques, and he is ever so interested in what K'ash is and represents. 
Later that night, while they prepare for their nightly camp, Solas through the ground, where it seemingly was softened by some creature that burrowed beneath. Once down below in the darkness, she hears breathing with the mention of ome, and she queries fo its response, but nothing is heard until she messages a magical whisper. Everyone else above is rather impation, and S'arrek the Sane molds the earth to join the absentminded water genasi, while Stryke and Eros also jump down in the hole to see what Solas is talking about, this breathing rock. Eventually they awake Trillo , a long lost testudine monk in search of adventure and truth, and a connection to a long lost legend that might be K'ash. Again impatient with the elderly testudine's answer and response, the human wizard attemps to use haste and longstrider spells to hasten the creatures response and movement into his magical mansion he created. Not all decide to sleep inside this mansion, though, filled with self-aggrandizing motifs to the wizard's personage and power. Eros, Althea, Sadar and Solas sleep out under the stars, while the others enjoy the pleasures of the archmage's magical mansion. Eros this night sends a magical message to Birdman , and Mel eavesdrops on his response; the new 12th House Binder Lord becomes more paranoid every day. 
The next morning they begin their travels again, with Trill and S'arrek joining for reasons for themselves and reasons beyond anyone's understanding but this odd testudine and even odder human. However, early morning, a few hear the cracking, staccato jolts of firearms following a horrendous screech. Solas flies up above with her telekinesis powers, and she notices a caravan of humanoids, gnolls and presumably drow by the cloaks, being attacked by well armored warriors with firearms and stronger plate armor. And as they engage, Stryke, Trillo and Rhogarr dash forward to join the fray, while Solas, S'arrek and Sadar teleport within throwing distance of the caravan. Eros, K'ash, Althea, Donovan, Roxana and Nuvell follow behind them all. 
As they get close enough, Solas reverses the gravity around their game, and they see that one larger tarrasque still carries the power itself of the liquid metal core of Barur, the earth. Additionally, one loan drow is able to dig its hands and feet into the roots and grasses, maintaining her grip to engage with the new foes.

Cover image: by Seth Love


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