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Session 41: How the Powerful Fall and the Children Pay: Animaesus and Tarrasques

General Summary

They float in the air, 100 feet or so, and the mages Solas and S'arrek the Sane harness their connections to the weave, and they unleash hell on earth: lightning chaining and bolting across the expanse, and necrotic energies sapping lifeforce while other fire explodes in balls of glory: a disintegrate spell hits the largest of the beasts and it continues to be confused by the mental magics of Solas. All the while the young adult, and baby tarrasques held to chains to this young adult, squirm and writhe in confusion and pain. This is all Eros sees with the others following behind, that and her friends Stryke and Rhogarr charging forward trying to keep pace with their new compatriot Trillo . This testudine leads a charge to engage with these drow that only hints to an eagerness for blood or a memory of the past.
Yet, they all, Solas, S'arrek and Eros, and soon thereafter even Stryke, that there are three mounted drow coming westerly to them, and from the south of them, a pack of gnolls comes, with seeming Tarrasques in tow: babies but still deadly. They all were ready, harnessed and trained by their years of toil, travel, and blood. 
Once they are all around the reversed gravity, the spell holding dozens of dead and charred bodies, their focus goes to the tarrasques, dead bodies, what's left of them still chained to their larger double. Eventually this larger tarrasque rages and begins to chase after Solas, while the others deal with the incoming gnolls and rampaging smaller, babylike tarrasques.
The group is then forced to engage with all the remaining drow, gnolls, and terrible beasts, clones of the terrors of Barur, the tarrasque. And in this carnage, they prevail.
Meanwhile, S'arrek and Sadarr begin to negotiate and surrender with the head, female drow. Eventually she agrees, seeing the carnage wrought by these intruments of chaos, The Mores of Forest Salt , and to ensure her agreement to this action of peace, the Archmage S'arrek the Sane imprisons her for a few moments in a magical, invisible and circular forcefield. This allows for the othersr to take out the last, largest tarrasque, and soon thereafter they begin to harvest its parts, explore its organs, and loot the remaining bodies.
Then, Eros connects K'ash 's lifeforce to the fallen, powerful creatures, drow and dwarves, too, for some reason (the drow engaged them before this group, thus slowing them down). This also allows her to start to see the intentions of this captured drow captain, and upon some confusion on the drows part Fedreina, Daughter of the First Matron Mother eventually opens up, but only because she sees Althea . This young drow has her focus, beyond anything else.
The group eventually intuits, well Eros does, that Althea now, more than ever, more than before when they were fighting, means more to this captain than literally anything else. Upon finding this out, she talks of a time 13 years ago, when the drow needed to gain access to the city, the culmination of the Marrow Miners existence, well, the birth of Althea and Adira, from this drow captain some 13 years ago, it allowed for those changes within the City of Salt. There is powerful magic in the creation of life.
Althea is not ready for this revelation, and she breaks down and walks away, gaining comfort in Roxana, and allowing the others to talk more with her birth mother.
S'arrek harvests more tarrasque organs during this, but he spends more time afterward to complete it. While he is away, he asks Solas to oversee the interrogation, and she attempts some telekinesis to enforce such peace, but this only antagonizes Fedreina more.
Sadar still wishes to have words with this Daughter of the Matron Mother.

Created Content

The spot here will be known for years as when the first tarrasques walked nearly 300 years after the fall of the True Form, the one the City of Salt lays claim over.

Cover image: by Seth Love


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