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Session 43: Southern Rains, Lapid Strains; A New Face: Animaesus and Tarrasques

General Summary

The Rain of the 14th of Ghost's Memory will surely go down in history as one of the great deluges of this century, and the The Mores of Forest Salt have to decide to follow this route above ground, or if they should go below, and should the brave the depths, where some seem to avoid the rains pelt completely. They decide to stay above, for Carrion Carl and K'ash cannot fit without begining to reform the lands into their own images. Therefore, traveling above ground, the find the first day to just get more miserable, all but Solas who finds comfort in the water around her. Nevertheless, they find a place to make camp, and thankfully, S'arrek the Sane is able to conjure a liminal space, mansion for him and others to rest in, and they able to find rest. Sadar, Stryke, and Trillo take watch. Stryke's watch, the bushes seem to watching him, but he is more keen on ensuring the others get rest while the rain continues. 
The next morning, the 15th of Ghost's Memory, they eventually must crossover a ravine, one obviously formed by the aid of some humanoid hands, and, thankfully, with K'ash's help, they are able to stride the expanse, here, they are met, and first with only a few hare's to distract Althea and Donvan, and then within moments more than 50 arrive, with other larger ones standing bipedally behind them after skittering within a hundred steps or so from the The Mores of Forest Salt and the others that follow them. Murmuring begins, more on the side of the rabbitfolk, these Lapid, then the party here, but nonetheless, a confident rabbitkin strides forward, in green leathers, and even greener capes, with a red cap of leather, and a bow in hand, a shortsword in hand, an instrument strung across his back. He yells for the others to know they are trespassing, and they know, but they need to pass. Eventually, out of impatience if nothing else, Mr. Greenway, or The Verdant as he introduces himself to the party, he gets even closer at rather a quick pace. He says he will take them to the High King, and that they must follow, or they will be stopped and agitated by each chief and clan of the Lapid as they traverse south. These are the laws of the land. 
It will take them a few more days of travel to get there, about a few hours longer than one day. They agree, and at night they all rest again in S'arrek the Sane magical mansion, and they are able to step away from the rain. ON the next day, Mr. Greenway, the Verdant as he should be called in front of other Lapid, leads the group to the entrance of the Lapid High King's Haven , a giant mouth-like threshold, jagged with mudd and wood, with other wooden beams, grassy gnolls and roots, maintaining the structures circular mouth. At first it is nothing more than that, but as they approach, they hear the echoes of a city in full happiness and trade, of Lapids home and safe below the grounds at once and even now still teased and cajoled by the tarrasque and those who subsist and fight for it. The city supporst more than five thousand Lapid, and they trade widely will grains and tubers, mushrooms and roots, as well as many textiles, woodcrafts and clay work. Yet this city does also support that adventuring nature of many, and because of that, Stryke is able to find a cloak of protection, one that will be ready in five (5) days. 
They are soon brought to the grassy area, the comfy seat, encircled with sun, and dug out above for audience seats to speak and bear witness to the High King of the Lapid, and they find her, a small white rabbit, with a magestic staff of white leaned against her, a red cloak that shimmers and scintillates in all the colors of the rainbow, and other items befitting her status. She welcomes the group, but she is also not one to waste time on too much pleasantry, thus, she needs not but the most key acknowledgements of her understand of their existence, and then she moves on, and she wants to know of what this most powerful group know of giant, dwarves, and tarrasques. These are the reasons they have dug so many pits about their lands, for the dwarves, dwarves from the south, they have come to reinforce and aid in the complications already caused by drow tarraque farming. 
The group knows of these events, and they claim to have thwarted many relations, and now they command the giant K'ash so that they can control his fate. They simply wish to pass and through and to head more to the south, to the lands of the Testudine. Yet, the King wishes for their aid, and she knows what she asks diverts from their task; however, she does not know what else to do, for this is the most promising group to investigate the giants that terrorize her lands to the south. They agree, but they need more specific information of the area to teleport their effectively, so the Queen informs them of a bard named Strens and his apprentice who have been to this area, and that he should be able to give them a desciption of these southern lands, the Lands of the Wind Whistle Clans. 
A servant of the queen is called to show the group to this tavern, and it is in fact relatively nearby, and upon entering in to the rooted structure, small, but not too small for all but Carrion Carl, they find a raucous group of Lapid and surprisely other diverse souls. They are all gathered around the center stage as Strens, a Lapid story teller, tells the tale of the Tarrasque War, the final fight that brough the thirteen seals to bind the monstosity to its place, and how peace was tenuously made. During which, the group notices a new young drow, well half drow, face; Liam Suzuki helps entertain the masses for his master Strens with major images of shadows and other illusions to heighten the enjoy of the centuries old story. While they are inside, Eros gets an impromptu concert going in the center of the city, with more than 1000 lapid in attendance. 
Strens, with Liam's help, performs a story of magic and memory to share the imagery and description of the lands to the south, and with this, S'arrek the Sane is able to teleport the group; before they all agree to leave, Strens asks Liam to join this group, and the children, Roxana, Nuvell, and Fedreina stay behind as well. However, the spell does not work exactly how they wished, and they arrive over five miles north of their destination. Confused and thankful to be alive, the wizard teleports the group again, and this time they are one mile south of the village of the Wind Whistle Clans, and it is already in ruins. 

They find only a few dozen left, of what looks to be a hundred or more lapid; homes are destroyed dug up and left in clumps of dirt, and lapid are left stomped, speared, or otherwise, most of the adults. Of the few dozen, most are woman and children, and most have lost their families. Yet, in the distance, they see the raiders, these murders of the innocent plundering for glory, gold, and magical items. Thus, Stryke falls into full quadrabedal sprint, and the others follow after, intent on stopping and quelling the threat, but the cost may be the remaing of the village, broken and battered, many fighting for their lives. 
Yet, the group engages, and as they do, they realize these giant have dwarf infantry with rifles to assist, and they also are armed with their own magical weapons and even half-plate armor with modified tower-shields as bucklers.

Missions/Quests Completed

They have found their way through the fields, and they have gained a possible new ally in their search and exploration of these Animaesus.

Character(s) interacted with

Cover image: by Seth Love


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