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Session 44: Animaesus and Tarrasques: "Now I am Touching Your Soul"

General Summary

It is early morning on the 17th of Ghost's Memory, and The Mores of Forest Salt are in the middle of a stressful battle between giants and dwarves versus themselves. However, with Carrion Carl, S'arrek the Sane 's vrock demon, and K'ash , the mechanoid ancient that Eros has bound to and that she can manipulate from inside, much like her piloting another body, as well as the keen magics and skills from Sadar Colarr , Solas , Trillo , and Stryke , and a newer addition, Liam Suzuki , this group of adventurers is able to prevail without any loss of life.
Stryke is able to keep three to four of the giants distracted while S'arrek opens a dimensional doorway to teleport Trillo and himself to engage with the dwarven riflers supporting the cyclopes' assault on the grasslands below, where the The Mores of Forest Salt are most clearly stalled. They followed this group of giants here, for they just raided and destroyed a lapid village, that of the Wind Whistle Clan of these southern hills, the last village before the trees and the river. Other villages more west, closer to the trees, and more south, on the other side of the great river, had already been attacked, and the group was asked by the High King, Queen Swifthistle to aid her people this far south from such a foriegn and aggressive assault.
However, now with the carnage of Stryke and his shere animalistic resilience of some ancient primordial beast, as well as the felling of his own kin, the dwarf sharpshooter, the seeming leader of the dwarves here leading the giants through foriegn lands, agrees to a truce, and he attempts to call out orders to begin a ceasefire with his people, but the rage and wrath of giants, K'ash with Eros inside piloting him (the rhino charge was most devastating, and Stryke took over a dozen axe chops from the giants magical weapons), and Stryke, as well as in on interminable fear as such a powerful magical caster as S'arrek the Sane , the order falls only to the whispers of the wind. Nevertheless, they are able to fell the last few giants, and four dwarven rangers and fighters remain. Their leader is interrogated, and they ask the most pertinent questions: who are you working for, why are you here, why the giants, what is the goal, etc. In the end, they group learns that Admiral Ahathia has lead the Halfstar clan dwarves north, across or under the treacherous land bridge that is the western landmass west of the Sea of Titans. The dwarf sharpshooter is reluctant, and his less powerful and equally casted dwarf brothers with him show their contempt for his honesty to the foriegners who just killed their hirelings, the giants, and even some of the own brethren.
Nevertheless, Eros piloting K'ash and Trillo run at super speeds to the southern Wind Whistle Clan Lands , the village that was destroyed and what remains of its Lapid natives. The aid with medicine and some distraction from the tales and feats recently to save them and escape the City of Salt. 
While the discussin between dwarven captives begins with S'arrek and Stryke, Liam is able to command two dwarves fleeing to drop their weapons, and he takes those to argue that they, the dwarves, pay him a hefty price to return their weapons. Seeing their leader and another dwarf already coming to join in conversation to these odd travelers, these two dwarves walk away from Liam. They join too, hoping for the weapons, if not their lives. They eventually let all the dwarves go, after they learn of the Admiral's impending forces, and how the Halfstar clan has been working on its reconnaissance for many decades. 
Once the group all returns to the village and witness the carnage, where only 30% of the village really remains, they agree to rest for the night in S'arrek the Sane 's magnificient mansion, but most to stand watch outside at night to ensure the lapid are not wrangled into anything else so shocking. The wizard makes the inside look akin to their village but wrapped with beauty and nostalgia. 
During this evening, Eros sends a few magical messages to the King of the Lapids, and she asks for aid, and here many of the Wind Whistle learn their monarch is indeed now a female. She says she can send aid to the village in two days, but she also wants to know of the giants and dwarves; the giants were slain, but four dwarves were sent free. Liam also studies, and he remembers from his ancient teachings that K'ash is a primordial conduit designed to fight primordial entities that only gods could comprehend. 
The next day, they teleport back to the Lapid High King's Haven , and they prepare once again to leave shortly, just wanting to touch base with the King, with the children, Roxana, and Nuvell with Fedreina, Daughter of the First Matron Mother , Althea's mother. They will stay behind, and the group, well Eros, trusts that they will be safe and ready to join them upon their return. Eros ensures their livelihood with 1500 gold pieces as well.

Rewards Granted

+1 battle axe, +2 warhammer, +1 carbine

Cover image: by Seth Love


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