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Session 47: Animaesus: The Moot of the Thirteen Lords of the Beast

General Summary

It is nearly midnight, and the powers that be, and those loyal to them, must meet at the Lord and Lady's Pagoda: the moot of the century is upon us; the life of the people change tonight. Yet still, that is nothing compared the pressure balancing and them stomping in Ssech's mind, and in order to clear part of that fault and worry, he leads Mel to Alucard's clocktower, where Ferrum had informed him he found a young woman who may know more about Alucard's disappearance. So, Ssech makes his way there, and he finds a strawberry blonde, young female humanoid packing up food and other essentials, out of Alucard's house and goods. The duo, the vampiric binder lord, and her shadow, the mage Ssech, converse with the young Thera, and find she is not really in love with Alucard, and although he did save her from a tortured end, she only knows what she knows: he left over a fortnight ago to meet with the 11th House, and he never returned. Therefore, Ssech and Mel convince Thera to come with them, and they find with their arcanely attuned senses, that this young Thera is a fiend of some sort, and she was summoned by the drow to experiment on, related to the aspects of undead and how the tarrasque lifeblood can influence that and other bloodlines. She reluctantly agrees, and she follows them to the Moot of the 13.

The rest of the The Mores of City Salt are still back at the moot, where they are mingling and eavesdropping before the great Hybearn of the First House begins the proceedings. After briefly welcoming all in attendance, the wolfkin accuses the Second house, seemingly saved by his own kin, Killian, but now deserving of judgement for their coup against the 5th and 12th seal. They have proven to be weak, and thus, the wolves of first house see them as inferior.

Quinnay of the 2nd House stands tall, and he knows his worth; his voice in the pagoda will be heard. He speaks of the chaos around him, the houses at each others' throats, their fear and search for power, and he warns and begs for a diversity of voice and action, like times before. The city needs it.
And, before other houses can speak, Ssech arrives, but without Mel, and with Thera, and Birdman, Faurwiin, and Garuvld speak and defend for each of their own houses, the 11th and 5th, but also the 9th and 8th. During this, the other houses in side rooms (the 4th and 7th, and then the 6th with Pio and the 10th), those drinking and waiting for an interesting discussion or better yet the arrival of the self-proclaimed Lord of the 12th House, Mel, and even to help buy time, and and Birdman's request, one of Mel's followers speaks up for her. The speeches remind the Lords and Ladies of the times where similar actions have been taken, even as recent as the 12th House and the drow that lead it attempting to take over almost thirteen years ago. There is also ample evidence presented of the 9th House involvment with Quinnay's cousin the Platutu's coup and claiming of the 12th and 5th Seal of the Beast, respectively. Vear still asks for justice against Mel, and for the court to do its job. 
Yet, there is even an accusation from Caruvld about Karyn, the daughter of Xantha, who was presumably involved in the coup that allowed The Platutu to take the seal of the 5th and almost that of the 12th House. Xantha then takes this opportunity to create another distraction, away from his daughter, and then of course from him. He has brought a dwarf staff sergeant, one of the same antimagic, warrior culture that Garulvd escaped some 100 years ago. This dwarf has revealed a plot, one that has taken years to establish, and one that the Matron Mother of the 12th House helped to created with her farms, experiments, and ploys from within and without the City of Salt about the Beast itself, the Tarrasque asleep at the center of the city. He also reveals, this dwarf, that his people come to take the city, as the have taken before. Faurwiin knows of this dwarves, remenants of the ancient dwarven empire, and he fears what their own fear of magic and their machinations of conquest will bring. Garuvld knows his people have won, seemingly, the wars in the south versus the what was left of the greater Elven Empire from millenia ago, and now they seek new lands, new plunder, new mountains to surrmount with steadfastness. He wanrs of three primordial that have been awoken: the Flight, The Shadow of the Mountain, and the Fist Invincible. 
The Lords of the Thirteen are stunned, but Garulvd reminds them of their lost views, and he requests an audience with his captured kin in order to know more about how his past has become present. His former Commander is no longer the voice of the people, and he is curious to know who now holds the Hammer of Fate. 
Nevertheless, before the group of the Thirteen, this Lords of the Words that bind the great beast, these power hungry leaders and demogogues, Mel reveals herself, her entourage around her, Redthorn the Erethiz, or porcupinefolk, bodyguard; Marsh or Sea Walker had already spoken on her behalf, and her others are about, as nulls of her sanguiane creation, and shadowed rogues above in the pagoda ready to attack for their Lady of the 12th. None have heard her story, the true story, of how she came to control the word of power. With this knowledge, many seemed swayed, but Xanath of the 9th House still sees validity in the the steps of protection, and he doesn't want the dwarf-hound, Garulvd to press his daughter anymore. 
Orcafor, being called out by Mel as not a capable leader to control the words fate, feels compelled to reveal he does indeed have Alucard trapped in his possession, in such a means that the 11th House Archmage, the Binder Lord of the 11th Seal of the Beast, can gain knowledge of the magic that Alucard used to assist Mel with her ascension and ritual. He threatens the lot, warns and begs, of trade being the best option. During this time, he wonders, to Faurwiin, if they should not just take Mel now, capture her and thus the 12th Word to control for themselves. 
Ssech also brings Thera foward, and she confirms what has happened to her, first taken and imprisoned by the 12th House, to their own aims, then also witness what has been claimed by Mel and Others. 
Killian gets tired of the politics, and he makes a clear threat to the Lords and Ladies: the City needs change, the people do; change or become eaten by the city, by the beast. He knows the people are not ready for what comes next, the invasion or otherwise from the Houses and the Beast they dominate. 
Birdman then suggestions that the Lords all find an agreement, at least one peace, for they are warned from the 3rd House: find peace, or the farms fail. Without these farms, most know, the city proper, the average civilian and worker of the City of Salt, will not surive without the sustenance the 3rd House provides. Thus, this peace is simple: Mel is the 12th House now, fair and simple. Let the other issues be moved on from. 
Anton does not like this idea, and he warns of the actions he will take agains the 2nd House for what they have done, so the group agrees, this Platutu needs to go before his actions create more issues for the City of Salt. 
Nevertheless, the rest are confused, pondering, or muttering to themselves about the actions taken, the oddies made, and the words spoken. 
The first house agrees. The future of the city matters more to war, but it becomes quite apparent, today, they have allied closely with the 4th, 7th, and 9th House. 
The 2nd House signs, and agrees, wanting their people protected, and then Quinnay and his entourage wait in the rooms adjacent for Mel and the others. 
The Thirteenth house sends a messenger, one from the 13th House of Rexaney, and he brings a letter for Garuvld, this grasshopperperson, and also the signature of Rexaney as well. It is also well-known that the 3rd House would not sign a paper and generally thinks most of this proceedings have nothing to do with the piles, their piles of dung and other magic items. 
The Fourth House signs, reluctant and fearful of Mel. 
The Fifth House also signs, but he again warns of actions agains the 2nd House and how those will be similiar if Mel proves false in her actions as Binder Lord. 
The Sixth house stumbles over drunkedly and signs. 
The Seventh House warns of the dire consequences of being lead by the undead, but they know this signature creates a needed peace now for the city. 
The 8th House signs, but they still think Mel and the former 12th and the 9th House now should be put to justice for former actions prior to these moves. Ssech warns Vear of his choices against Mel. 
The Ninth House, Xantha, waits. 
Pio comes to Ssech before he signs, and he lets the mage know he is not fond of his choices and allies, so Ssech must get his things. Ssech knows this might also mean consequences with the Putori of the city. 
The 11th, Orcafor, signs, but he is not happy. He wants Faurwiin to find out more about Mel. 
Mel, of course signs, and officially names the lords of her house. Ssech is her second. 
Finally Xantha comes forward, and he signs, if only to not create further tension tonight, and if nothing else: he is obviously outnumbered. 
After the meeting, at nearly three in the morning, Faurwiin and Birdman arrange meeting for 5 hours from now, and Faurwiin and Ssech threaten each other: crystal blade versus hounds of shadow. 
Garuvld also investigates more about Thera, and he finds she is indeed a fiend, a young one, desperate and lonely, trying to find peace in a world of chaos, but better than the inferno from whence she rose. He then goes to the staff sergeant, and he leans that General Ahathia has taken control, and he now has the Hammer, and he leads the largest clan, the Halfstars, and he comes in pursuit for their lust and fear of magic. 
They then need to break for some rest, and they make plans for meetings and engagements for the following day.

Cover image: by Seth Love


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