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Session 50: Purpose, Peace, and the Power to Kill: Animaesus and Tarrasques

General Summary

It is on the open way streets of the Beastcrown, some hour or so after the fall of Ferrum. Other city guards and investigators have already come to intuit and scour for their own daily toll, but they leave just enough for the benefactors of Ferrum, the 11th House Lords, Orcafor, of course, but also his abjurers, Squeur his red-skinned Squamata, and Lightfoot, his halfling caster. Yet, two other apprentices, low ranking follow them, and after them two other faces follow after Faurwiin: Lasi, an aves transmuter, and Venator Tenebris of House Bellator, who recently ported in with new information for Orcafor, but they were unable to debrief before the call for Ferrum's death was howled through the Beastcrown's streets.
They investigate, with magic and with their innate senses, and they discern that many of the streetfolk have already taken much of what is valuable, but the wizards are able to gather the pieces of the adamantine armor and metallic body of the fallen warforged; Thelas also finds and takes the broken helmet of his fallen friend, his slave, all that he had that was from his homeland. They find an amulet, goggles, and what is left of a bag of holding. They then take the remains back to the 11th House dimensional and arcane tower, the Tower of Orcafor, and Thelas demands to be responsible for Ferrum's reconstruction.
Upon returning to the tower, in safer hallways but still with concern, Faurwiin establishes a mental bridge between he and his old elf friend Tenebrius. They talk of the recent developments of the the houses, of these mortals, as Tenebrius calls them; how short sighted they all are towards the use of the tarrasque and this city. The City of Salt fights for peace, but they only craft more uses and needs for war. They agree, since Tenebris is back in the city, to investigate more of exactly what had happened that night, the night that Alucard trapped the drow Matron Mother's soul in his soul cage, the night the city reeled from the shakes of the tarrasque again, for the first time in thirteen years.

Thus, the elves transform into that of the drow, and they sneak below, into what remains of the tunnels of the 12th House, where the drow lived but weeks before. They have been systematically targeted, it seems, by the 9th House and their allies, and now they have sealed-off and imploded tunnels and floors of the 12th House passageways, and the duo of disguised elves eavesdrop on the remaining workers about to wrap up their final dig. The Elven pair are looking for the remains of the 12th House Cloning systems, those for the tarrasque and for others, and they are looking for the drow Matron Mother's remains, but they are unable to find them, and indeed they now believe these workers and denizens of the 9th House have already procured the remains and the technology. This angers the elves, but before they can do anything else, they hear the rumbles and roars from above; the tarrasque is waking up?

For hours earlier, until around the same time of the investigation, Birdman has been preparing for the onslaight of legal and political litigation that will come to him because of the Moot of the Thirteen, but also because of the choices of his 'friend' Mealladh Apéthanta . Killian soon arrives to debrief, but Birdman is soon interrupted by a clerk of the Stagecourts. This clerk warns and informs Birdman that Mel has yet to return the summons sent by the courts, the one demanding by the power of the people and the court for her to arrive at the end of the week, to stand trial for her actions, for the accusations and murder of the 8th, 11th and 12th Houses. His purpose as the attorney of the City of Salt is put into question, and he travels to Mel's apartment, and then to her lair outside the city, where above ground a small camp has formed of her followers, the militia of the beast and the Bitten of the City.
She floats down to join her dark army, and Killian and Birdman approach, and the lupin halfbreed stays behind to watch, as the shaken wood elf comes to plead with his old friend, Mel, to have her come to the city. But he yells at her, and he shakes her soul, and on a switch it seems, Mel thinks now that Birdman has come for no other reason than to imprison her, to not be her friend, to have him be the ignition of the whole city now against her. He is a deceiver, and he must leave. However, Birdman must know, he just went to Piorvani, Binder-Lord of the 10th House: Drunken Master and the Lord told him nothing: spouted of anger to those in the room where it happened, the room where Alucard imprisoned the drow Matron Mother's soul upon her death; those who could have controlled and stopped it, to be in their shoes their perspective, to understand why those actions were deemed justified to ruin this City he has grown to love; the City of Salt has given him purpose. However, Mel only agrees to send a paper to him later, to communicate with this lost friend in words. Birdman is angered and disgruntled, confused at the absurdity of these claims, so he storms out, and Killian reluctantly follows.
However, Birdman has Killian wait downstairs when they arrive at his old apartment, where they first met, where the story first began with this former Attorney. He knows that now: he did not get Mel to agree to the summons of the city, so she will either be forced to arrive by the packs of the First House, or he must stand trial in her stead. He destroys his old apartment, bricks thrown, tables flipped, windows and other precious things broken. The horns of the Tarrasque blurt, and Birdman goes to the Herald's Tavern for a drink, ignoring the report for his own grief.

Garuvld returns to the underground laboratory of Anton, and the gnome Lord gives the dwarf his space to rest, and gather a few potions before he says that the dwarf warrior must go alone to atone for his failures. He gives the dwarf a potion of speed on his way out, and the dwarf is able to use the last of his potion of flying ot get to the top wall, then he uses his innate draconic connections to float down and past Lord and Lady's Pagoda of the City of Salt, Central Keep and find his way to the 5th Seal of the Beast, where the 2nd House was taken hold. He prepares his runes and potions, elemental evocations and his courage, and as large as a giant, he stomps in to engage. However, these are the fourth and fifth potions he has consumed today, and the magic inside makes him feel uneasy. The acidic resistance potion and the speed potion become toxic, and he pukes them out, through mouth, nostril, and skin, and with his enlarge potion only lasting a few more seconds, the speed lethargy takes hold. He destroys a few frogs and a felis caster before this happens, but soon he is grappled, tentacled, and bitten upon by two huge frog monstrosties, and they pull and rip him until he falls unconscious.

The Ranas that guarded the 5th House Seal travel west to their reinforcements at their own seal while The Platutu and the Froghemoths keep Garulvd at bay, and when he falls, neither they nor the rest of the city could have expected the geyser-like froth, the spinal fluid of the beast, to erupt out of mining tunnel in its neck, out of its mouth, eyes, ears, and other parts of its body near its head.

These are the same moments that Ssech emerges from the beasts maw, the same moments when he is met by two of the most formidable Godbutchers questioning his intentions of the claim and the salt of the city, the same moments when Garulvd falls, when Killian watches Birdman drink in grief, when Mel prepares her small militia for their first march through the City as a show of force, and the same moments when the elven duo discover the 9th House claims over the powers of the former 12th House Drow Matron Mother and ilk. These moments, the gout of fluid that covers Garulvd, inspires his fight for longer, for more distraction and violence towards those who claim the right of his reward.

Moreover, Ssech rages, and he tries to slay the two who come to his avatar, his beast and lord. The binds are his, not theirs, not The 13 Binder Lords , and the others move in to respond to the Horns, the Calls that once again in less than a few weeks have warned of the Tarrasque, of it rising for its revenge.
Garuvld falls again. But does he breathe?

Cover image: by Seth Love


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