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Session 56: Animaesus and Tarrasques: Syth, Peace, and Love

General Summary

Amu finds the street with Birdman's scent, hoping to convene with the attorney before the day is out, but he also sees Killian, large and in charge, stomping toward Birdman's front door; however, odder still, a young woman is climbing up the side of the house to enter into the apartment of Birdman through the window, two stories up.
At first Birdman doesn't know what to believe, and he thinks Faurwiin is playing him for more of a fool: this cannot be Eros, and it has to be one of the conniving elf's tricks. Yet, it is Eros, it is indeed. But why is she here, and why now? He did send to her, he did want to let her know about his City, but Birdman did not want Eros here.
Killian comes to the door, and Amu comes behind, and they meet Eros, but not before the giantkin informs Amu of a wolfkin following them, another lupin; this is something Killian smelled in the wind. However, Birdman is still distraught, and he needs to make sure his friends are his friends, and so he asks Killian to say the right password to enter. Obvous, Birdbong. Amu is uncomfortable at Eros' endless demeanor and need to quote the cute and the sexual, but he is also her for more serious reasons. He and Killian do try to orient the conversation to those moves, the moves of the city, but Birdman is too worried of his recent meeting with the Syth Lords, the new players in the city, but ancient warriors from lands beyond. Faurwiin is the new Binder Lord of the 11th House, Birdman Former Attorney at Crime is pretty sure.
Killian warns him that the charges will be more than anticipated, but this does not sway Birdman from his perspective, from his voice of worry and challenge for the City of Salt's future. Killian also informs him that the 1st House will no longer be a barrier to Birdman and the City. He and his father beat the challenge, and now they are Alpha for the 50 Lords to the Northern Reaches of the Continent.
Will Birdman have jail time?

S'arrek sees a lupin getting closer to the stairs to Birdman's apartment, and thus he removes the invisibilty from his demon servant, Carrion Carl, a giant vrock, vulture demon, and Solas, the lost elemental child from the deep oceans. They are able to cast magics to hold the encroaching wolfkin in place, and they raise his held body up into the window, allowing for Killian to identify this culprit as one of the compatriots of the former Alpha of the 50 Lords, N'rend. He has come to see what allies Killian keeps within this City, what fuels his connection to this place, when he could have been Alpha? Killian warns him of this action, that being so sneaky does not make sense.
Birdman does boast of his prowress, wishing to show he could take both of the Syth Lords, but this is not as important as the engagments of the 10th and 11th Houses. But the lost elf, Birdman, never got the lessons he needed to be an elf, and Eros even has to explain to him now the importance of good trance, a form of sleep, for this elven child.
Killian begs now for a serious focus: dwarves will come, they have warned, and they will take the power of the tarrasque for themselves.

Before following the others inside, S'arrek sees one more hidden sneak, and vulpin (foxkin), on a rooftop, and he gives chase astride Carrion Carl, trapping the animaesus rogue in a ball of force.
He returns to the apartment to inform the others of this new development, and Birdman and Amu know this must be the Seeker of Pio, Oatom Ae, an assassin who has cheated death before, and how he can master its forms.

Back in the house, Eros asks Birdman what he really wants, and he says Peace. For the City, for others, for all. Killian says in order to have that peace we must first know what has occured most recently with the 11th House, beyond just the fall of the Former Binder Lord of the 11th House, Orcafor. The Unity and Sanctity of the people is paramount.

S'arrek returns to talk of his new prisoner, and hears of his former peer, Orcafor, falling to someone's hand. He is now free to return to his laboratory, to find funds and magical means to assist him more in the future. He goes to return to the 11th House after he assists Amu with interrogating the trapped vulpin. They learn from the Oatom, the vulpin, that he was working independently, tracking a loose end from a clue days before, but surprised still to find Eros, alive and well. Pio would be most interested. However, they warn the vulpin before his release that divulgin such information will only bring him closer to his own end.
Eros and Birdman say goodbyes, but Eros is given more time when S'arrek decides to get his stuff back from the 11th House, so she goes to the 13th House to find her father, Sayrulion.

S'arrek is succesful by the use of spells and stealth to avoid the eyes of the new lords of the 11th House.

Eros finds Sayrulion performing, and she convinces him to join them in their attacks on the Dwarven camps to the south, those assholes.
They wait for the Wizard friend at Birdman's apartment, and then Solas teleports them, including Sayrulion, Carl, Eros and S'arrek, back south to the Dwarven Camp. Birdman, Killian, and Amu make their way to the 11th House to investigate what has indeed happend to its tower and Former Binder Lord.

Back south, Eros, Trillo, Stryke, Sadarr, Solas, K'ash, Sayrulion, and S'arrek with Carrion Carl take a night to rest in S'arrek's Magnificient, magical Mansion. The next morning, they waylay another scouting party to leave the dwarven camp, a few hundred feet away, in order to control any reinforcements with the elements of surprise, reverse gravity, and some well placed draconic illusions and fireballs.

Cover image: by Seth Love


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