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Session 58: Time is a Circle: Animaesus and Tarrasques

General Summary

After the fight with the dwarves, Trillo, Liam, and Stryke sit around the fallen primordial, Kelrir, as Eros and K'ash watch on, and Sadarr encircles the group as a guard adn scout. The trio, the testudine monk, the drow smuggler, and the melin beast discuss a perspective of philosophy and the sanctity of self--all while, ironically enough, Stryke continues to consume the leftovers of the conniving Jourvian Dwarves, cracking into army and bone, eating all the good meat. The discuss origins, with Liam's connections to Wavler Emporium, stretching the context of the magic items provided by Wavemart. The dwarves are taking advantage of this spread and gain, and they advance with technology and move to conquer new lands. The City of Salt, however, is stuck in a stagnancy, not progressing or evolving beyond their current state: rely and subsist of the Beast, the ancient Tarrasque, thankfully still bound in the center of the city, providing resources for thousands of beings both within the city and for miles around; the entire continent relies on this tenuous balance of life and death. Trillo, however, as a testudine, as been amongst these lands for many, many years, and he knows what has been done to the beast is not forgivable in the eyes of nature and the sprectrum of existence on this material plane. 
S'arrek and Solas also talk to each other at this time, with other conversations among the two of life and purpose, of whether or not the elemental child, Solas of the oceanic depths, does indeed have a soul. Her family always said no, for she was odd and different, and thus marked and labeled. The Wizard, S'arrek the Sane, contacts demonlords from another plane, and his manipulation of the Weave allows for five one word answers. He asks, "Does Solas have a soul?"
They respond, "Tasty."
Again, S'arrek beckons, "Are any of my clones alive?" 
Again, they respond, "Uknown."
"Am I cool?" 
"Is Orcafor dead?" 
"Does Faurwiin hold the 11th house seal?" 
Solas and S'arrek discuss how time is a circle, and how they are ready for the next steps, but also confused too. They discuss what to do witht Kelrir, the giant monkey, and Solas does seem uninterested. S'arrek also tries to learn of the ritual to bind to one of the primordials, but all he knows is it involves some sort of dance, and a magical sending to the soul and voice of the primordial to awaken it. He knows Eros has done this, but he must wait for another time to investigate. 
The other trio still discuss their philosophies, with a debate ending with whether Liam is an elf or a chicken before Stryke, Liam, and Trillo decide to head the few hundred feet south to what is left of the evacuated dwarven camp. However, nearly arriving, and jumping over the small Lapid Run River, they see an explosion from the mountain tops a few more miles south of their position. The dwarves have dug too deep, and Stryke had smelled something off, and he remembered from his past travels, in his younger years before arriving at the City of Salt, the smell of the Gaseous Green Volcano far to the northeast, at the end of the Halfling Road. This smell preceded this eruption, a gout of fire bellowing from the depths of the mountain--but they saw it for what it was--three red-scaled dragons fly toward the dwarven camp after attacking the mine. They seek revenge for being awoken from their precious sleep. 

We then switch to the The Mores of City Salt , where Mel has been parading and guarding the city streets since the Eagle's Prophecy; she wants to protect the citizens from further turmoil. The Tarrasque must stay where its at, and the city must continue: this dwarves cannot take this for their own. She sets her militia to continue to guard and patrol the city, to increase the efforst of the 1st House proper, and to show the true qualities of the new Lord and attendants of the nascent 12 House. She then sets herself to a search throughout the city, where she hopes to find her friend Birdman. With her magic from her deific connections, she finds, eventually, Birdman outside the twisting road to the 11th House Tower. Birdman is with Amu and Killian, and Mel sends a message to Birdman. He stops, and he turns around to face his fears, his friend, who sits in partial mistform on the rooftop of a nearby building. Once atop the roof, they discuss intentions and begin a much needed reconciliation between their torn hearts and minds. She confesses her frustrations and madness, her paranoia at her friend and those running the city, and Birdman, he finds a purpose to comfort her. Killian and Amu make sandwiches, salad, and tea, as they wait, but eventually Killian calls for Birdman to return to their purpose for being here: they must engage with the new 11th House Binder Lord, Faurwiin and his accomplice Tenebris, both elves of great power. They must find a means of alliance between their houses, for if not, the Jourvian Lords will seize opportunity and take the Tarrasque, its city and resources, for themselves. And, based upon their Star, Dess, who now is a flighty corpse, they know these dwarves have intentions beyond just union and peace: more like dominion and avarice. They also must find a means to avoid and combat the summons and wanted posters about the city for Birdman and Mel: the houses opposed to them will use the Stagecourts to create blame on the Attorney at Crime and the Vampiric Nascent Binder Lord of the 12th House. 
About the gates of the 11th House tower, they eventually agree to take the conversation to a more secure spot, and they are teleported with Faurwiins magic, at least they hoped so, to the Evening Swam. However, the magic mishaps, and they are jolted through time and space atop odd building, nearly too close to the Stagecourts themselves. 
They discuss at first where the Shadowed Mageling is, but no one has seen Ssech for almost two days. They also discuss the Jourvian Prophecy, and the power of the eagle their gnomish pilot used to intimdate the City of Salt. They know they must stop this, as a City, as a people. They finally discuss what to do with Alucard, and how maybe his resurrection or disappearance may actually benefit their political game. He should have a public funeralt to show the city we are one. Birdman also reveals himself as GJ Guillesbrand, and this nearly breaks Mel's sanity. They then decide to reconvene in one day, at 11pm, after some rest and other investigations.

Cover image: by Seth Love


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