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Session 59: When Dwarves Don't Listen: Animaesus and Tarrasques

General Summary

The Lapid river runs quickly, but all the faces seek the skies to the northeast, for dragons roar and fly closer with great speed. 
Thus, time is of the essence, so S'arrek enlarges Carrion Carl, and they fly quickly toward the carrage that has the ruby plates aboard, plates S'arrek has reasoned that he needs to bind to the great Kelrir, to become a master of the primordial souls of Barur. Yet, flying above the dwarven carrage, he is easily able to direct Carl to cut the binds from the oxen, and he uses his new undead friend Dess to distract and waylay the other two dozen or so dwarves away from him and Carl, so they can take the carrage and hopefully fly away. They are bombarded with dwarven bullets, but most go wide, and soon they are joined by the others: Eros inside K'ash, Stryke doing his thing, destroying dwarves left and right, Trillo is also assisting, and even Solas creates a cone of magical cold to break apart the bridge the dwarves constructed. 
With these distractions, S'arrek begins to move the carrage away, but he soon finds it too heavy, and Carl pushes it near the river. Liam runs around invisibily at this point, the whole fight, looting the fallen dwarves: their guns and armor are worth much in this foriegn lands. 
Time is of the essence: the dragons get closer, and at least one of the three roar with each passing moment. 
The carrage almost falls in the river, and Carl is able to lift the plates away while S'arrek teleports them further away from the incoming dragons. The group seeing this follows after, and they run, and soon dive in the river to hide from the dragons, for they will follow after K'ash after they are done crisping and eating the dwarves. Thankfully Sadar had cast water breathing on them earlier, so they also take this quiet moment to discuss and realize: The dragons will move further east and north. They will ravage the lapid lands and beyond. At this, Eros uses her telepathic bonds to persuade the dragons to head back south again, to the other dwarves. To take the revenge, so that The Mores of Forest Salt can prepare the lapids for the incoming attacks from the dragons.

Cover image: by Seth Love


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