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Session 60: Imminent Purpose: Shadows and Walkers: Animaesus and Tarrasques

General Summary

Late in the evening, Ssech finds his way under and through the Tunnels of the Ancient Testudine beneath the City of Salt. He has come to commune with the natural elements of the ancient beast, perhaps even its progenitor and deity Jacq, by using Gormongr's druidic magic. The vulpin druid has already gathered the corpses of infant tarrasuqes and he has harvested an eye to use as part of the vision of the communion. He asks Ssech to help him harvest an intact heart to focuse the purpose of the communion and then another organ from the great beasts that they think will help in this spell. Ssech uses his necrotic energt to focus his hand like a knife, sharp and keen, and cut into the chest of one of the tarrsques, effortlessly decaying the flesh around the heart in order for the large organ to slump out into his arms like an oval shaped ball. Lastly, they are able to harvest the lung of one beast, Ssech believing its breath, a symbol of change and manipulation of environment and being, would serve as an aexcellent base of the spells components. 
Gormongr takes the items, using the eye to look down to the earth, so it may find the feet of the other children, the other blood spread from the great beast. Then the druidic fox sets the heart in the center of a circle he has already constructed with rocks and blants, digging rows into the dirt. Then, taking the large organ, the lung, he shaves it into strips, thing, like tendrils and string, and he shapes them into specific druidic and sylvan runes, thus allowing for a direction communion with the natural, cahotic focce, the Tarrasque. With this, he focuses his mana into the spell, and a connection is made. Ssech may ask, my find three facts from the ancient beast's perspective. 
First, will the beast avoid the people of the city as it rises. It cares not for the people of the City. Its purpose is beyond. Secondly, what is the next goal after destroying the ballistae that will surely end its purpose? Faces and imagery of the 13 binder lords appear from the tendrils and string, and the tarrasque lifeforce shows him them, and he knows he sees Pio and he sees Mel as well. Their death must come next. And Thirdly, how do I gain power? Ssech must drink its blood, its spinal fluid, pureed brain stem. 
He finally uses the eye of the tarrasque to scry from its perpective, and he sees five houses taking the fluid that was expelled from his ascention and returned memory as a drow, the drow against the Walkers, who let the beast free firstly. The 9th House took the most, the 7th house thereafter. Then Marsh Walker, Mel's major domo from the 12tgh House, led their followers to gather more. Yet, the 2nd House also came, Quinnay late at night, and even Aether from the 8th house. Ssech then goes to Mel's apartment after he learns from Gormongr that the vulpin must travel south east, to the Font, and that Ssech expects the druid to return to ensure the civilians of the city are not injured. Ssech must now negotiate with Mel for some spinal fluid. 

Killian connects with the First House Representative for the Stagecourts, but he begins to spend a good portion of his time beneath the city in the Tunnels of the Testudine, finding caves and creating other hovels to hopefully establish some bunkers for the people of the City of Salt. He will be with Birdman during the immending Trial. 
Venator has similar plans for Faurwiin, for rumors spread of his own involvement in the trial because Orcafor established it as such for the 11th House. 
Amu waits at Mel's apartment, preparing the space as neutral ground for when Alucard is brought by Tenebris and Faurwiin later for resurrection and a possible witness on Birdman's behalf. 
Birdman prepares for what he can for this Trial. 
Faurwiin is off in the shadows, making preparations of his own. 

Ssech finds Amu at Mel's apartment, sometime after a night of rest and after the musteli druid found most of the reagents he needs for the spells to assist Alucard. Amu hears someone approach, and he tries to hide in a coffee pot, but Birdman hid weed in here already, so, while Ssech comes into the kitchen, after being more than patient by knocking and receiving no response. Seeing a tail trying to hide by the oven, Ssech attempts to grab at the Musteli, but Amu avoids, and they discuss why both are here in the apartment that does not belong to them. Amu followed the cannabis here, and Ssech is looking for his friend Mel. They agree to wait together for the meeting later tonight, for Alucard and the future of the City of Salt. They find friends through the friends they already have. 

We are with the other crew, the day before, as they wrap up their battle and hiding with dwarves and red dragons. S'arrek summons a new ally from his time he spent in the northern mountains, where the ancient Aves found blurs between the Prime Material plane and the Plane of Air. They know they have only 6 days, at most, before the dragons might turn around and start their unduly rampage on the Lapid lands. Thus, they teleport back to the Lapid High King's Haven , and they find High King, Queen Swifthistle engaged with Niniu an ancient testudine Walker, the justice and rule of the Animaesus people. They are wayward warriors, but also justice and loyalty incarnate too. The Walkers were a stronger presence over one hundred years ago. Eventually the Queen finishes her conversation, and she speaks in their native common tongue, Sylvan. They know the testudine asks her to allow the dwarves to pass through her lands, dwarves who raised constructs to charge and scare over lands and skies, those who released cyclops raiders to attack her people, steal her resources and waterways. And here, this wayward band, has stopped them, but also they have brought dragons to the edges of her lands, but dragons that were awoken by these dwarves, her enemies. Dragons and dwarves that are not allied like those from the ancient stories from the eastern lands. 
They convince Lady Thistle that this neutrality is needed, that she must allow the dwarves, lead by these Walkers to come through. But the Walkers are also still engaged to the south, Aelizt, in particular. The leader of the walkers, the most stern and ruthless like her pumthera ancestry. IF the dragons attack her, all war will break loose, ties and bonds thousands of years old, as old as these lands of the Animaesus, will be put into question. The Walkers are the Animaesus soul and people, as ordained by the ancient eight gods, those who created it all, planes, planets, suns--everything. Eros convinces the queen as well, she need not worry, they can ambush the dwarves, set them apart from their goals. The Walkers do not know, they must not know, the true intentions of these dwarves: as S'arrek says, expansion. They have a Stryke, and two primordial children, two from separate continents and purposes, but two nonetheless. 
Eros also gets a description from Lady Thistle to send a magical message to Aelizt, to hopefully get them to not engage with the dragons. The pumthera is taken off guard, and she responds with some surprises and ideas of confusion, but she agrees. Her and her others are encamped nearby, hoping to thwart and waylay the dwarves, to find a slow alliance with them as they have found with their ancestors. They watch and wait, as they now the three in flight in the distance coming from the north must be these dragons this strange female voice warned of. Then she looks to the dwarven camp; they have four gargantuan constructs: one for a quadrapedal beast, a cat beast, a snake, and something that must be akin to an anteater. Will they have the power to face the dragons? What power do these dwarves actually have?

Cover image: by Seth Love


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