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Session 61: Animaesus and Tarrasques: 36 Hours Before the Trial

General Summary

Mel spends her time promoting her public image; she is the 12th House Binder Lord, and she is here to help the city into its next century. She arranges for her Marsh Walker, her undead Ranas warrior and diligent herald to represent her for the trial. 

Killian and Birdman wait at and clean Mel's apartment; they have several hours until the mages from the 11th House bring Alucard to be resurrected with Amu's power. Amu assists with some of the cleaning, but more chiefly he eats more beans. During their cleaning, Killian asks Birdman of his strategy for the upcoming trial, and Birdman is unsure at first other than he will oppose the claims and hold to his truth. Amu also suggests that destroying the Stagecourts or even causing mass terror could help to avoid this larger issue and accomplish the even larger goals of his Druidic Circle. Birdman also shares what he knows about the current sitting judges, and how the jury and witnesses can be manipulated; even the judges can be manipulated too. 
Faurwiin returns to the 11th House tower, and he and Tenebris confer about also distributing water to the citizens of the city today. They also want to learn more about Alucard's exact house loyalties and affiliations (he wants to know where his son is), and Faurwiin even offers Alucard, through telepathic communication, a position as the heir to the 11th House. Using the water distribution as a disguise to sneak Alucard through the city, he and Tenebris are able to arrive at the meeting at Mel's apartment sooner. However, the host has not arrived, and Ssech is missing also. 
They start to investigate Alucard's body, and they find that he is alive in a way, but in a stasis. Faurwiin is able to reason that arcane spells have coerced and locked his own soul within his body. Orcafor must have had connections to a Font in some way to create such a permanence. A geas enchantment, as well as other necromancy was able to harness this effect. Before continuing they chop off a hand of Faurwiin's to experiment with regenerate. They need a greater restoration, so Tenebris goes and finds a diamond in a local magic shop, and when he returns, Amu uses the adamantine bong of Birdman to crush the diamond into the powder he needs to work such a spell. Upon doing this the other wizards dispell the remaining necromancy, and Alucard coughs awake. They introduce and discuss with each other what comes next, and how he will be apart of the trial, and how he knows more about the souls and rituals of the 12th House than many others. How he was nearly killed by Mel. 
After this meeting, Killian and Amu travel to the first house. 
Faurwiin and Tenebris search for a wayward rogue, Oatom, the foxkin of the 10th House who saw their power shift, their attempt at Orcafor's power. They find the rogue, and shift their form to be pumthera, and Venator finds himself close to a restaurant, the fox just across the street.

Cover image: by Seth Love


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