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Session 66: Animaesus and Tarrasques: We are all Vertically Cutting Noodles at Some Point

General Summary

It is the end of the 7th of Ghost's memory, and we begin with Amu, some 5 or so miles out side of the city, where the swamp of his home surrounds the ancient root system of fallen trees of Gul. He is will Piorvani, Binder-Lord of the 10th House: Drunken Master , who is sober, and the watch on as the earthquake caused by Amu's actions and Pio's suggestion continues to reek havoc, how a tarrasque rises from dust and blood, and other engage with it, even a huge minotaur.
They know the aves wizard was the cause of their evacuation, and they know he acted alone to take advantage, despite his obvious wizardly connections to the 11th House. They then question if staying in the City of Salt is worth it at all, to their livelihood, to their being. Inevitably the decide to head north, to 'home', the lands of their fellow Moustelin, for they hope to find allies to help align the city, or to help their, well Pio's, other associates vacate the city before war of the Jourvian dwarves from the South takes hold of the City of Salt while it still fights amongst itelf and its own house.

We then go back in time, a bit, to 5th of Ghost's Memory. We return to the The Mores of Forest Salt with Eros, Stryke and his children, Althea, Rhogarr, and Donavan, Trillo, Sadarr and Howl, S'arrek and Carrion Carl, and then Solas. Teleporting back after adventures that tempted fate, Althea and the young Donavan run to embrace their 'parents'; Eros who is closest, and then Stryke. The others come to greet as well, but soon everyone's stomach's awaken.

Roxana, Eros' apprentice and presumed lover, has made some stew, so all gather around, even the other two drow, Fedreina--the mother of Althea--and Nuvell, the guardian of the children and Stryke's lover. However, Eros inspects the stew, and she finds it lacking, and scolds Roxana for fucking up the cousin to soup: stew, the most sacred of dishes.

There were squabbles and disagreements around the camp fire, cajoles and jokes about poop and control from Trillo, and confusion about mammals all sharing bellybuttons--it is all overwhelming for what must have been the quiet nature beforehand, so Fedreina breaks away, and the drow fighter goes to the large tent set up for the group by the Lapid commoners to get some peace. Stryke sees this, and he breaks away also to check in with the mother, the recent addition to their group, she who left her life and people for a hope of love from her long lost, presumed dead, daughter, Althea. He asks if she is okay, and Fedreina struggles responding, not knowing why Stryke offers such genuine intent. She wants more from her daughter, she finally admits, but there is still so much to mend after more than a decade of lost time, especially when you are as young as the druid is, too. Althea is barely even fourteen years old. Fedreina also talks of how she is worried that what they fight, the battle with the dwarves, is not theirs and is in vain.
Eros also breaks away to touch base with Althea about a similar subject, but she finds Althea obviously still gravitates towards her instead of establishing a relationship with her mother Fedreina.

Sadarr spends time with Howl. He and his odd owlbear have gone through a lot, and the expectation of a quiet night under the stars does offer comfort.

Furthermore, Eros sends magical messages again to the Goddess Mystra, and she attempts to apologize for her misuse of and assumption of communication with the deity. Mystra seems amiable to having another connection with Eros, perhaps one of worship.

The group then spends about five days arranging various tasks and goals, for they hope to be prepared for the coming battle with the Jourvian army, presumably 1000s strong.

Trillo begins research and meditation from his past, present, and maybe even the future he is yet to see, and he finds ideas and connections related to K'ash and the other magical mechanoids. He finds they are indeed alive, but sentience is questionably, for these mechanoids, these primordials rely so much on their 'pilots'. They are also able to siphon others at a costs, and he finds that maybe they could work towards that to upgrade their mechanoids in order to be ready for the upcoming battle with the Jourvians. He also learns how the purpose of these beings is to offer means to transfer energy, from life to death, and perhaps even beyond. He demonstrates this with a spar of sorts with young Donavan, seeing how the ki he uses for his own magic is much akin to the magics of others and even the powers of K'ash. Eros then comes up with a plan to have a transfer of energy, more or less free for them--to sacrifices of her own self and soul, but a summoning of demons, something that her father figure Sayrulion can easily do. They make their way to the Lapid High King's Haven in order to find means and permission to summon such creatures--perhaps a criminal who needs to be put on death row.

Additionally, Eros begins to make plans and connections to use their new friends from far of lands to gain magical connections, weapons, and means to defend the valian, but almost mundane warriors of the High King's Lapids. Maybe the dragon riders magical means can help them ensure victory for this battle.

And, Sadarr spends time getting what relaxation he needs, and he begins to fill out some resume for a new job. Maybe he could even be the door bandit.

Making up for lost time, Stryke wants to spend time with his daughter, so she and he go to meet with her new druidic master, a smaller white lapid, monocle and vest, Mr. Daisy. He will teach her how to unluck new magical forms to shapechange in to, and he will show her some of the stranger components needed for higher spells of her druidic order. Nuvelll Shallowbutter joins them, and while waiting, Styke offers a duel. This duel soon turns into a romantic dance in the magical innate darkness of the drow's forebears. She and Stryke find more time to be lovers.

Later that day, and on their way to meet with the High King about the beginnings of the plans to defend against the Jourvian Invasion, they stop at one of the inner pools, where they find the young Solas dancing like she is skating on top of the water. A small crowd forms, and they see the young genasi's eyes are closed, and she somehow summons an image in the water beneath her, something swirling and fragmented, but still impervious and divine. The connecitons to the figure floating in front of the beasts face, with the beasts shadow forming into its own figure with deep blue eyes. They see the wolfkin and his other eyes following, the beast rising... the City of Salt. This shocks Solas, and she mumbles about the beast not being, no impossible, and she teleports away.
Trillo locks eyes with the other Testudein Niniu, and the latter does not give his elder, Trillo, the time deserved, seeing him as inferior to the Testudine and the future Niniu represents as a Walker of their people. Nevertheless, Eros, Sayrulion, and Trillo travel passed, and even though Niniu arrived first, it is they who are admitted before the great Walker of the Animaesus to the High King Chambers.

They meet with High King, Queen Swifthistle , and she is unsure of the reasoning for the summoning, but neither she, nor council of Strens and Liam Suzuki can see another option. She asks for her guard to bring a suitable prisoner to sacrifice for the demonic rituals, ones Sayrulion will say he can control. As they wait, Trillo attempts to comfort the Queen for her actions, and when the prisoner arrives, the Queen takes the sword from her guard to execute the bound, and head covered, prisoner--a lapid now accused of treason.

The queen then asks for a party, but one for after the victory. She has two of the most famous bards here. They agree.

Cover image: by Seth Love


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