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Session 68: Animaesus and Tarrasques: New/Old Friends and Preparations for War

General Summary

The preparations for the upcoming battle, the first presumably of others, in war with a foreign invading army. The Jourvian dwarves will arrive within a weeks time, and there is still so much to do. 
Eros believes the group will have better luck with connecting with some previous contacts of Alexander Stormwind from the Dragon Rider Lands. Indeed, they believe the wealth of that land will aid, and that the Grandmaster and wizard Allic Tith would be most amiably to assist them. 

In preparation for this teleportation and travel, S'arrek gets his elementals to work, forging spears and other weapons for the Lapids from the metals the Xorn finds will digging tunnels. 
He then takes time to concentrate with Eros, and to discuss, the need plans and sigils to create a teleportation circle in order to travel to these lands. They communicate telepathically with these plans, having a contest of wills through staring. Eros soons learn S'arrek has no need to blink, much like how he does not need to breathe. 

Once the circle is ready, those who wish to see this far away land gather: Eros , S'arrek the Sane , Stryke , who wishes to fight a dragon, to test himself, and Liam Suzuki . When they arrive, they find themselves in a large atrium, almost something akin to a court room, or large meeting room, but something clearly created on a size much larger than them. Clearly this place, stone hewn with magic and fire, pillars made from ice solidified completely--this place clearly is magically made by dragon and their kin. 
They are soon met by a servant named Sandy, and she sends off to find Allic for the visitors, so they may arrange various means of commerce for their protective ventures with the Lapid Lands, literally on the other side of the world. 
Allic comes down, and they introduce themselves and their goals, their need for magical items, explosives and an upper hand, and to gain other resources to assit for future connections. 
However, Wilderbrand soon follows his master and rider, Allic, and he is shook by the presence if these strangers, and especially the odd smell of Stryke. This reaction makes Stryke prepare himself, to rage and threaten, and well, Wilderband charges, circles around, bites and claws at the melin warrior while Stryke returns with his own flurry. Wilderbrand escapes above, but Styke jumps up, ferocious and lithe. Wilderbrand fought well, albeit briefly, and he retreats back to one of his many mountain holes, presumably to pout away at his pride. 
Meanwhile, Allic begins to lead the others to his library for rest and relaxation, but they also seek knowledge and commerce to help with the impending battle. During this time, and in the library, Allic introduces them to his young son, an odd half breed of dragon, human, and elf, growing and growling too fast for an infant. Altric Tith, son of the Queen Bunpi and the Grandmaster of the Dragon Rider Academy, Allic, stands to have a grand destiny. He hints also to the older daughter, away with his mother, and her weight to the politics of the land as heirs to the Elven Throne of Naillo and Xiloscent. 

Stryke, after the fight with Wilderbrand, looks for a magical tattoo and monk wraps to assist with his already beastial and unarmed strikes. This takes him three days to complete, and during that time Eros and Allic arrange a meeting with Nester, well, Horgernoth leads her there, so she can buy explosives for the upcoming fight. 
Liam goes to sell items, and both Stryke and he finds means to have Gorn, the great Craftsmen of the Riders, to gain items and them to gain currency to use in their next steps. 

Allic stays with S'arrek, and he helps the odd vagabond to understand more about the dragonic anatomy and power. 

On the way to Nester's, Horgernoth speaks with his strange sword Silencer, and the spirit within, Squelcher. Once there, she is able to arrange with the odd gnome, who is working on large turbines and legs for a structure to raise the whole city above the horizons, to arrange more than a dozen kegs of 'black powder', a substance Nester crafted himself, to launch as part of the catapult barrage. 

Back in the Library, Liam wishes to connect with Allic before these three days of visit are up. Here, Liam reveals a true form, a changeling, and how he has intentions to know and understand more of the powers that the dragon riders and Allic possess; means to traverse time and space is really what he seeks. 
Horgernoth, then warns, before Liam leaves, of how he will not steal the visage of Allic, not at all. 
Eros at some point tells Horgernoth more of these lands, and Horgernoth does decide to join the fight against the dwarves. 

Once they return to the Lapid Lands after three days in the Dragon Rider Lands, they set to work on finishing plans already set in motion--pits and tunnels, catapults and defenses. How do a few hundred face a few thousand? 
Horgernoth and Stryke begin to scout for impending problems, the true locations of the dwarves.

Cover image: by Seth Love


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