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Session 69: Animaesus and Tarrasques: Celestial, Primordial, Jourvian Tests

General Summary

The next three days, Stryke and Horgernoth scout the grasslands west and then back east. They see the group of dwarves, 2000 strong, but a few hundred break away to head north. This smaller group is obviously making their way to the Lapid High King's Haven . They spend another day looking more into the larger force, and they see they are well armed, well equipped, and they have four other Jourvians with them. They also find a larger dome structure that must house the leader, where Stryke notices an automaton, a rather large one, standing guard.
They decide to spend the next day following closely to the smaller, presumed assault group. They sneak closer, and they see them setting up camp, with two more Jourvians, and a handful of leaders, two dozen elite soldiers preparing for what comes next. They want to find the pilots of the jourvians, but they see these two, a cat-like monster and then again something that resembles a hawk. However, they are still on watch, and while the few hours pass to allow for the camp construction, these two primordial mechanoids begin a patrol; once they leave the camp perimeter, they seemingly disappear.

The dwarves are soon on high alert, and they are making their way to the hidden scouts, hidden indeed--who could see them? Yet, before the dwarves arrive, Stryke digs down into the ground, burrowing to safety. Horgernoth dashes quickly about to see what trails them, what invisible force--those primordials patrolling. He fires upon returning to the threatened dwarves, and he kills one out right, her being exploding inside her plated and magical armor. Two invisible forces strike out, nearly felling Horgernoth in the process. He then dives down below to Stryke, and he uses his dark essences gained from previous tests to the deities and other great essences of Barur.

Upon returning to the Lapid High King's Haven , they find themselves at the central pool. A workers and visitors, their own compatriots and new friends, have gathered around the pool. From up above, a strange creature swings and dangles from the spiked cave ceiling. He, Fraction, has been waiting for those names on his list. They began to swing in order just to wait. S'arrek and the others know this must be one of the seven stones, come at times, a prophecy of protection for all people on this material plane--one of the seven stones of Barur.

Once everyone is here, including Horgernoth who should not be here, Fraction says, the odd celestial invites all upstairs, to the sky and stars in this early morning, as the sun is about to rise. He draws giant orange, magical circle--where marks, people of their choice gain a deathward, and where they gain boons of their own, gifts of auras from Fraction's kin. They also realize that K'ash is an older sibling of Fraction, and Kelrir is a younger.
Liam gains a boon of speed, Stryke a boon of War, S'arrek a grade for Kelrir and a expansion of his acces to Knowledge; Eros provides two boons to upgrade K'ash, and Trillo gains the fullness aura. Horgernoth is not allowed in a for a boon.
They then talk about how they could get further upgrades, but at the cost of Fraction himself. They decide against this, and hope for the best of the battle to come, still two days away.

They spend the next two days preparing a few protections and weapons needed for the upcoming battle. S'arrek is preparing a new spell, and also arranging for a bunker--with his summoned elementals help--more tunnels, even collaspable ones too, to help them escape. He also finishes his symbols spell to help protect the main entrance from the assaulting dwarves.
Stryke spends time with his family, training with Rhogarr and Donavan, and trying to comfort Althea's worries about what comes next.

Eros arranges for the 18 powder kegs to be distributed to the catapults.

Liam meets with Fedre atop the grand sun opening above the whole town. Fedre questions his existence as a drow, and he, upon leading her away from other less honest eyes, shows her some of the truth behind it. They then talk about the future they may never see, her children, and who is left: Althea.

It is the final night, where assassins will never probably never to return, and where final hopes become a new reality.
Eros finds her father, Sayrulion, in the food tent for the main camp. She sits, and he speaks of a loss of peace, a hope for her future, and she consoles him. She then talks of her loss, her hope, and her anger at what has happened to the Lapid people--the cyclops and dwarves terrorizing the people already, tenderizing what is yet the come--the rise of these Jourvian dwarves.
But he is a hopeful soul, Sayrulion, and he tries to bring the idea of new fun to be had, of hopeful futures to be gained. He tells his daughter before he leaves to spend some time with Roxana.
Stryke arrives, and he also tries to console and be hopeful for the idea; but like with his children, he must be realistic.

Eros breaks away to Roxana, and she talks for a moment of tomorrow, of staying safe, of being aware. They will meet later in their tent.

She then goes for a walk, and she finds a quiet spot, and she prays to Mystra. For safety, for strength, for something to assist their jourvians for the next day. Mystra responds, and the deity wonders what else she really could give.

Liam has sent many a ground hog and other vermin to stand as eyes and ears, to allow them time to be ready.

Cover image: by Seth Love


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