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Session 71: Animaesus and Tarrasques: The First Wave into the Lapid Haven

General Summary

The Night before the arrival of the Jourvian army, and the hobgoblin Drazec rises to the top hills of the Lapid Haven. Up there, he sees the lands for miles, and admires and acknowledges how the beauty of this land rolls like the rising and the falling of the sun. He knows why they would fight so hard for this, their home. He will aid them, giving access to his own organization and personal quests, and with that, he meditates on one of his most powerful spells, turning the grasslands to an illusion of swamp and fog. 

This will slow them, but only a for a time, it seems, for the next morning they arrive, slower, yes, but still finding their way directly to the lands, lead by a snake Jourvian, it seem. Their assassination has drawn more attention, some key reinforcements to aid in siege of the Lapid Haven. The illusion is still present, but they must have a means to get passed it. 

Nonetheless, Kelgor sees this happening, too, way up top of the Haven's main sun roof, and he summons a most powerful storm of vengeance, for he sees another dwarven group coming to engage with him, the other lapids, and S'arrek with this undead and demonic force, he who pilots the great Ape Kelrir. 

But below, surrounded by catapults, dirt pits, and spit traps, Eros pilots the tortoise-kin K'ash, and readies his shield to protect her, Sayrulion, and other Lapids. The lapid captains begin the catapult onslaught upon the charging dwarven force, and with that, and spells from Drazec, and fey assistance as well, the charge is slowed. And in those moments, the jaguar appears, Kilni, and it easily destroys one catapult before the other redirect full force upon the feline jourvian. Yet, it becomes invisible, and then the hawk appears, one many have called the Eagle, and it flies over, while dwarves float down, firing toward the various groups along the way. 

Liam, Stryke, and Fraction soon engage with a group of these sharpshooters as they try to charge to back tunnel that will give them direct access to the city. They thwart them with the lapid help, for now, but more reinforcements sneak up to meet them. 

However, the top ground, with Kelgor's magic and storm, the dwarves make little headway, and Trillo is able to, with the help of Dess, Carrion Carl, and the lapid warriors to fully stop this attack from reaching the city's sun roof. 
S'arrek leaves before this, for he sees that the Hawk, Kaitba, makes their way to the caverns main entrance, wanting to penetrate if not dig to the preciousness inside. He must stop this, so he directs Kelrir to rush over, and once he is close enough, he makes them both fall invisible. He rushes over and attempts to block further hits form the hawk, but soon, he realizes, even with his buffer against its piercing magic, he needs something else to get to the pilot inside. First he teleports above her, Kaitba, as he dives to destroy the lapids within, and his weight brings her to a loud crash in to the earth, and he holds the hawk still. How will he get inside? 
He knows just the thing: The Blade of Disaster--a weapon from the netherealms, and because of this, it has no care or proxy towards beings of the prime material, such as Kaitba. It must and will ignore the barrior, and find purchase in the chest of Vennoa, cutting her her twain as she apologizes to her mother for her failure. 
Kelrir then roars in acceptance and success, in triumph over a powerful foe.

Cover image: by Seth Love


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