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Session 72: Kilni the Panther, A Shadow No More: Animaesus and Tarrasques

General Summary

Liam and Fraction, with Stryke, his child Althea, her biological mother Fedre, and Nuvell--with a dozen or so lapid commoners, warriors--they all face off against elite dwarven soldiers, those sent to the back entrance of the Lapid Haven in order to penetrate within, to circumvent the war completely. However, they are here--their own form of elite, for Liam fires many a fire ball, and dashes back and forthe between grass knolls and spikes, dwarves, and lapids--confusing the late; Stryke bites and claws, and thunder and strength follow him like water; Nuvell strikes with sword and with her new dwarven auto-gun lance; Fedre summons echoed versions of herself, and holds the dwarves with rapier and stance, skill and shield; Fraction, an odd celestial being, whips with radiant light, severing life from soul from the dwarves with each hit. The dwarves have mighty guns, attuned and willed from their own craft, and they provide more than enough ammo and strength against these defenders, killing many lapids, injuring Liam and Stryke in a smaller way, but also destroying S'arrek's elemental summon, Dravskr, the former clould giant, now air elemental spirit.

It is a slow battle, and one dwarf did dive into the whole, toward the city; however, a lapid queen's guard, and Althea, with Nuvell, eventually. The dwarves did not expect the claw, the fire, the whip, nor the drow. The Lapid Haven has unexpected guardians and protectors.

South of her, Trillo and others, such as Kelgor, Dess engage with other elite warriors of the Jourvian Dwarves assault, attempted siege. There are many sharpshooters, and they do not waste any time quickly destroying the catapults, with only one brave lapid sontkas (samurai) standing in their way. Soon Kelgor summons an ice storm, but these sharpshooters had already found the likely culprit for the magic raging upon the brethren: they say it from above as Kaitba released them, and the air-catchers helped them glide down. These dwares surveyed the land days before: it was not a swamp. Thus, of course, it would be an elf, standly so defiantly responsible for the swamp and chaos. They focus their sights, and before Kelgor could get cover, a barrage of bullets pelt through him.
Trillo had already been running at this point, but he was with the wounded Carrion Carl and Dess making sure the remaining dwarves are indeed fallen by their feet. The shots, the quickness of it all, was even too quick for Trillo and the remaining Lapids. Yet, he charges, and quickly engages with one sharpshooter, but being unable to stun him, and a few quick and precise, almost deadly shots--one would have taken his life had not Trillo deflected it with his shell (critical), and with that, he ran and dived, dodged down to what the surface sees as quicksand, but is really one of the main entrances to the city--just small tunnels made ready for ambush for any who would want to climb down.
To help block his escape, another brave Sontkas of the Lapid stands behind a grassy hill, but he is unable to pounce before another dwarf sneaks behind him. With this, he disarms the dwarf of its rifle, and another dwarf follows Trillo, thus flanking this brave lapid. The rabbitkin makes a quick decision, and he grabs the rifle fallen form the ground, his first target disengaging and purposefully falling down a quicksand pool, which is really an illusion for a pit drop--the dwarf is trapped for the moment, and with that, the lapid runs with the rifle, following Trillo, and indeed hoping to lead

Further south, the most prominent hills that would lead to the main entrance to the Lapid Haven, well, they are being protected by the most valiant and keen. Eros and her primordial jourvian, K'ash, they stand guard, spectral aegus providing cover. Drazec as well continues his magical onslaught and forward push. He is a blade singer mage, and with that, he will not repose his devastation until all of his enemies are gone. With this, many fireballs are thrown, and eventually he gets close enough, and the snake primordial comes to attack and grapple him, successfully so, but before he is swallowed presumably absorbed by the snake construct and Jourvian, he is able to feeble the mind of its pilot, rendering the Jourvian inert for more than a few moments, and thus allowing for his escape. However, by this point, the panther Kilni has taken out a few more catapults, and more Jourvian Dwarf Sharpshooters reek havoc on the commoners and lapid volunteers who stand to defend their homeland.

Many commoners fall, the guns of the dwarves representing the power of a star, whereas their spears are only that of grass and their own fur. But, Eros redirects Horgernoth, and he distracts a few of these sharpshooters, just until Kilni is brazen enough to face K'ash--for even Eros now leads to the panther, seeking to end its destruction of what few catapults remain. Horgernoth takes this advantage, and he touches the nose of the panther primordial, transporting it back to the 51st Layer of the Abyss, a dark place, tethered together by elder primordial lights of Atar and Van, and pieces of ancient worlds, contructs, and architecture of forgotten peoples and cultures. Horgernoth leaves Kilni and its pilot in this desolate place, and not soon after, Horgernoth's own abyssal power spent, but his essence and being, wrought from this place--he is unaffected by its torment and wanton death. The panther and its pilot only get soon absorbed by the darkness, where clearly the abyss will use this ancient power for its own devices and aims; what demon prince wouldn't be pleased?
Horgernoth will have to wait but a few hours before he can return home.

The Dwarves continue still to charge and push, and their elite sharpshooters are quite ruthless and successful in their attacks on the remaing catapults of the lapids, decimating the rabbitkin's warriors.

However, the snake's pilot is soon taken out of his cockpit, but being so displaced and his mind so feeble, his compatriots blow the horns for a retreat and regroup--they have lost their of the jourvians with this onslaught. Their worst fear is here: these lands have indeed been tainted by the enticing Weave, by its promise, but as all Jourvian knows, it only brings death.
The dwarves begin their retreat, and many of the lapids do too. However, the guardians and friends, The Mores of Forest Salt have other plans. Forgiveness seems not to be one of them.

Rewards Granted

Liam begins to loot the dwarves: many sharpshooter guns, hand axes, clubs, carbines, etc.

Cover image: by Seth Love


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