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Session 73: The Lapid Lands Still Stand: Animaesus and Tarrasques

General Summary

Atop the Haven of the Lapids, Kelgor has fallen, and Trillo has taken cover underground. Yet, the dwarven sharpshooters still rain bullets down, and move forward. However, they do not expect three others, well five others to join. First it is Nuvell and Fraction, and then it is Stryke, roaring and clawing. Yet, S'arrek and Kelrir charge forward too. With their combined might, and with the undead Dess and Carrion Carl; and, with Trillo coming up above ground after resurrecting the fallen elf, the dhamphir and druid Kelgor, they stop the first wave completely from coming into the city.

Yet, this is not over. Liam, Althea, and Fedre watch from afar, but they see the victory close.

But, Eros is there, with Drazec the grand blade singer, and they will face the horde, even as it retreats.
However, soon, S'arrek, Stryke and others teleport closer to the action, and with the reinforcements, the tide turns, even as the dwarves turn to face them, as the dwarves wish for the end and the escape from this odd hell. SO much strangeness has happend around them.

Thus, they take the leadership, the plunder and spoils of war, and two jourvians, and another never to be seen again.

But, Liam, was informed by his fey connections to the natural, Animaesus world around them, and he finds a groundhog, and they say other Jourvians wait nearby, a group of a dozen or so with three jourvians with them.
Report Date
24 Aug 2024
Primary Location
Secondary Location

Cover image: by Seth Love


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