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Session 74: Animaesus and Tarrasques: A Punch in Your Genital Direction

General Summary

Immediately after the battle's end, the group begins to reconvene. They have one leader to question, a catalyst from the far lands east, across the great ocean: The Cladd. He is held by Fraction, and the others, keenly Eros and Stryke, interrogate him for answers on the numbers, powers, and goals of the Jourvian Dwarf Army.
Stryke prepares for a testicular removal, and Trillo stands ready by for a punch in the genitals, but his punches seem to heal at his choice. Eros asks the questions, and she uses her telepathic powers to pierce into the dwarf's mind, and she sees a vast army.
She shares this information, and some slight miscommunication happens between Eros and Stryke, and he destroys one of the testicles of the dwarf. It takes a few moments to continue the conversation.
His catalyst technology eventually becomes the focus of their conference, and Eros wonders if they could create a disease, or even a poison, to take out vast quantities of dwarves by manipulating the bloodlines of the ancestors, making their poison resistance a vulnerability. They need to investigate this ability, but the dwarf catalyst is unwilling.
Eros and the others attempt to persuade him, but he will not encumber his whole species. He is from the Cladd, no the Jourvian lands to the south. He joined them in his own travels and escape--he came for the beast to find a means to stop the demonic onslaught from within his own home.
Thus, his end is assured, but this upsets Fraction and others, but only to the necessity of their aims. They see it as a means to justify their ends. They know Fraction of an ancient decent, but he thinks his brother George might know, as a potion maker. Thus, Eros casts a magical sending to allow her words to transport between time and space, and she finds George does answer, but he is busy cooking and crafting for the Dragon Lords, and he is far to busy to assist now. So, Eros tries a prayer to Mystra, and the goddess possesses Fraction to give her response.
His tentacles writhe and form, and her eyes and mouth appear. She warns the young bard, that her course leads to where other gods who truly know of the Dragon Lords, and where George really is, and Bahumat would not agree with reasons for wanton murder. So, she has one more person to ask, perhaps, the dragon rider Allic Tith, transmuter and he born of the dragon's fire. He is a Draconologist, and he knows of these Lords of the Dragon, the sons and daughters of Ome, and her own great children, Bahumat and Tiamat; a few have been known here on Barur, the Green Emperess of course, who almost made the Lands of Allura her own; but also, the Blue Lord of the Cold Desert, and the Red Mother--she who gave her essence at Allic's beckon to the first Scale Mother, Ome; she who made him the Fire Breath he is now, mayhaps even a potential candidate for a new Dragon Lord. He also knows of another two, only spoke in whispers. The first, Jorgmundr, the Great Black, and another, Dovah, a presumed silver ancient, and progenitor of a great line of dragonborn in the western lands beyond the Wall of the Kings.
He tells Eros not to worry, for he should have this connection under control. Well, it's his to investigate, at least.
Liam begins later that evening after many have rested, to investigate the catalyst's bloodline manipulation. He knows it could be done, but he does not yet know how, and that even comes after nearly eight hours of research.
He shares about its ability to up someone's focus, and he has two more doses of it to investigate.
The next day, Horgernoth returns, and he and Eros discuss the steps that have occured on both their sides--the dwarves continuing to fight, and him leaving the panther in the abyss.

Later that day, they meet with Queen Thistle of the Lapids, and she expresses her deepest gratitude for saving her home and people. Liam wants some land for an altar to ancient god of change and growth, and then some diamonds if at all possible. Eros doesn't need much, but she will accept the gem stones. Sayrulion becomes a title Green Seer, a bard and ranger of the Lapid Lands, one who has free reign and travel to go where they might and help those in need within the reach of the Queen's Runs. Strens and the Queen volunteer to show a path for Trillo when he is ready through the mists to the south, those that will, hopefully, lead to the Testudine Lands. S'arrek spoke to the queen in silence, Stryke gained some title Equivalent to Duke, Fedre asks for forgiveness, and hovel near the city to call her home--a home for her family (a hopefuly gesture to Althea). Nuvell gets some gemstones.

Sayrulion and Eros talk for a time during this meeting and thereafter, and she wants her father to stay with the children and others here in the Lapid Lands. Eros is going to return to Dragon Rider Lands, and she will get some answers there, then to the City of Salt, the only other place she might find some catalysts that may know what and how to create this poison against the dwarves. They begin to plan for this presumed biological warfare, as Liam claimed.

Yet Kilni the panther was taken in the Abyss,
The followers of Jourvian heard the hiss.
Follow they say, scream they say.
And follow into the way.

They reason they have at least, hopefully more, before the Jourvians arrive at the City of Salt.

Rewards Granted

2500 gp Sharpshooters Gun-Lance x9
(1d10+1d6+2) piercing damage ammunition, reload 4 (magazine), two-handed, heavy   Spyglass Sight: +1lbs: +20 Range   Heavy Barrel: +1 lbs; +20 range   Steam guns are activated with steam cartridges, inserted like a clip, if you will, near where the “hammer” would be for most firearms. Each cartridge is very durable, but a roll of 3 (the shot may still hit) or less with a firearm jams the piece. The character must use their action to clear the jam before they can load and fire again. If you are proficient in Tinker’s Tools, you can do so with a Bonus Action.

500g +2 Handaxe, x9
500g +2 Clubs, x2
  700g +1 Splint, x3

3d4 healing dart, x10

4d4 healing dart x15

Surgeon's Focus, x2 (Liam)

2200 x2, +2 (1d8+1d6) Autocarbine: reload 4, two-handed, Spyglass Sight: +20 ft. range, Heavy Barrel: +20 ft. Range

25200, +3 Splintmail

Bakkin's Wrath (Given to Rhogar)

Cover image: by Seth Love


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