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Session 76: Animaesus and Tarrasques: Cryptic Lore and Bullshit

General Summary

It is later in the evening, and the wizard Allic Tith sits, and another visitor comes calling. He just returned from leading the strange Melin to The Raven's catacombs, and here a stranger creature, mayhaps greets him. Something feylike. Liam, or Jacq, introduces himself, and they both have questions of time and space and how they change and intersect. Jacq looks for a means to have a direct connection to the feywild, so magical creatures, those being hunted and killed by so many, they can find a safety in far away Fey Wilds, a place away from time. Allic knows the power this would wield would be some of the Nine Answers' power, but to summon them now could be a stretch to his power. He thus agrees to take Jacq to the Tree of Gul, teleporting through one of his circles. Once there, Jacq is immediately distracted and overwhelmed by the odd magic of the tree, and he begins to see pictographs and other depictions of names and figures he seems to know, but from memories that are foggy and lost. 
Allic is messaged during this time, and well, he wishes to check on Horgernoth, and the demonkin, this strange, yet friendly alu-fiend, admits readily he is with Allic's two children, a tween sorceress, and a toddler that has an affinity for fire farts. His daughter is keen on following the demonkin's lead, and the child is only distracted by something stranger than itself. This distraction, as well as Jacq's own connections to the Tree of Gul, send Allic into unstable territory, and his mind wanders. He must inform his wife. Nevertheless, at the tree, Jacq begins to climb the altar even as Allic prepares it for a spell he never though he would have to or want to cast: summon the 9 Answers. 
The tree reacts to his hand touching the altar's base, and it overcomes Jacq, a green and blue energy running through his veins like magic blood, and in that he transforms and he takes on the visage of the ancient deity, of the Jacq of old, and he claims himself upon questioning as his avatar, the avatar of the Change. He is mud and plants, fur and skin, he is morphing and changin, and his same arm just elongates with his move and as he stands. He is the god, and he isn't, for he is something now part of Barur. Why me, Allic asks? Who are you? So many rigth and wrong questions, but jacq tries to answer, and he gives the gift of their insight, of how they can create this portal between the Fey and Barur: a font, a magic beyond the will of creatures, but something on the level planes and celestials. However, Allic reasons this will sacrifice the Tree of Gul, and it will no longer be. Allic soon sees, that no matter the choice, there must be a sacrifice. 
Jacq changes back, a hysteria that is maddening, and Allic watches in horror. 
Tehy head to the library and academy again, and then they soon head to bed. 

The next morning, Stryke and Eros head back to the catacombs of The Raven. Lady Brunehilda prepares a commune for Stryke's deity Kyten. Eros asks two questions during the ritual, and Stryke asks one. Brunehilda responds through strange motions and voices that are not her own. Eros wishes to send to Kyten, and he agrees. She wishes to know if he agrees to the response to the dwarven enemies who use his children so volatiely, and he agrees. And Stryke wants to know of Adira is still free, and able, and Kyten is unable to know. With this, Eros offers to send a magical message to Adira, and the young drow paladin hopefully is okay, but she is mostly glad to know her father and family are well and that they have found their way. 
She then sends to Kyten, and she asks for his aid. However, the only aid Kyten can provide is already that filtered through Styke's strength and K'ash's family and shield. She is unsure if she should ask Jacq or Bilin, so she goes to Allic to ask for his guidance and advice. 
He seems to know something once they meet in his library office. He does not want to reveal his connections to the shapechanger, but nevertheless he starts to see the layers of the gods at work here. Yet, Eros picks up on something odd, and she believes he lies for some reason. Allic tells her to trust herself, and she will find the answers within and from the people around her. She thus sends to Bilin, and the daughter of waves, the mother of Had, a deity of ancient, primordial power. She will help, but in the subtle ways of water, and Eros sees the river south of the City of Salt, and she wonders how the water goddess will stop the Jourvian dwarves as they try to cross the river to get to the City of Salt. Steam billows around her and Allic form the ice. 
They will gather for another day or so, and they they will make there way back to the City of Salt.
Report Date
14 Sep 2024
Primary Location
Secondary Location

Cover image: by Seth Love


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